Jan 18, 2007 15:48
1. Get accepted in the exploratory program
2. Choose a major
3. Tell my mom
Three excruciating steps. I think the last one will be the hardest!!! =( My mom never asks me about school, and I never tell her on my own. So she still thinks I'm a music major. I did try to tell her once, but I don't know what's goin on with her. Here's what happened:
During finals week spring semester of freshmen year, I called her and said I wanted to change my major. I forget exactly what happened (I have it written in a journal somewhere), but I started crying and said, "I'm going to do what God wants!! You can't control me!" She had salmon in the oven and needed to get off the phone to serve it to my siblings, so we hung up. When she called back 5 minutes later, she was all calm and said stuff about I forget what exactly. But we didn't talk about majors at all. She had heard what I said before we hung up, but does she think that ignoring the topic can make it go away??!! So I can't say I didn't try to tell her. She's the one who's close-minded and impossible to talk to.
After I tell my mom I changed my major, and tell her why ("I hated piano. And lost interest in music education. I can't do something for the rest of my life that I hate. I'll be miserable"), one of two things will happen:
1. It will be all about money (college tuition), and my future life:
She'll get angry that I didn't tell her about it sooner; how expensive IC is; I went for the good music program, and what a waste of money if I'm not there for the music after all; and if I have an ordinary major, I could have just gone to a state school to save tons of money. And how can I have a major and not know what I want to do with it after I graduate? I have to study hard and get a good job so I'm successful and happy in life.
2. She'll understand me, and agree that I can't do something for the rest of my life that I don't enjoy.
"Study hard and get a good job so you're successful and happy in life." That's practically her goal for me and my siblings. I HATE that! She just doesn't GET it! She's such a firm believer in God and everything, yet her outlook on life is so disgusting to me! She just doesn't consider God's will for life, and she never talks about anything to do with God or Christianity at home. I can't talk to her about these things because she just doesn't see things the way I do, and it feels like I'm talking to a baby Christian. Or someone who believes in God and the Bible, but doesn't know how to apply it to life. I talk all the time with my close Christian friends about God stuff and life. I can't do that with my mom. I don't know what her problem is. She's an incredibly smart woman, yet when it comes to God and life, I just don't understand her.