A Relaxing Weekend........

Jun 12, 2005 17:31

Hey everyone! This weekend was pretty good, very relaxing. Thursday I found out that we had a tropical storm, named Arlene, heading straight for us... so of course I freaked out. Well, needless to say we've had thunderstorms worse than that, it was totally overrated. Friday night I had to work at Roadkill, uh Roadhouse. It was fun, Amanda and Steph came up to see me. Matt and a couple of his friends stopped by too. It makes work more fun when my friends are up there goofing off with me. Saturday I practically slept all day since I thought we were going to go through a tropical storm. That night Amanda and her roomies had a "tropical storm party" It was pretty fun, but Katherine's friends were being kinda shady. I didn't feel too good so I called it quits for the night after the party but Amanda and a couple girls when downtown and I heard they had quite a good time.. haha. Sunday I slept in and I was so excited it was sunny outside. I layed out in the sun all day by the pool... It was so relaxing. But all good things must come to an end and now I must bury my nose in the school books and get ready for some upcoming tests. I really do not like taking summer classes... it sucks. Summer is suppose to be fun. Oh, I have a dentist appointment this week... Im sure I have some cavities, which sucks. I don't like going to the dentist, something about people messin with my teeth I don't like. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
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