"father" not "dad."

Jul 19, 2007 01:58

why are fathers such guys?!

they refuse to pay for anything, thinking that they've been paying for after school care for the past twelve years [which is funny, because i wasn't IN after school care until i was seven. do the math here. that's only ten years ago.] and that 500 dollars a month is able to give everything to a kid that that kid needs in it's life time, let alone 18 years? no wait, 12 years because they didn't pay for the first 6!

and now. they refuse to pay for a dental bill. a dental bill that is in THE KID'S NAME and will go on THE KID'S CREDIT REPORT if it's not paid. and they refuse to pay it!!!

yeah, if you want to go around without using your dental, go right ahead. but i will not walk around looking like Hillbilly Huckle Buck because you refuse to pay for an effin' dental bill. step up to the plate, and PAY FOR SOMETHING I NEED.

or take me off the insurance.

if you're gonna throw a fit because i'm using what you have me on the insurance to use, then the solution is simple. take me off the insurance. i'm not afraid to go without your stupid health benefits. i'll have my own soon.

but if you screw up my credit when i'm only seventeen, then i'll screw up your life.

i'm capable of more than you know.

besides. i don't know how you afford to feed your fat and ugly leather handbag alien of a wife that sits on the couch and does nothing all day, feed two dogs, afford gas to and from work [30 MILES away from your home!], afford gas to and from your mother's house [50 MILES away from your home!] because you have to pay for that darned traffic ticket.

and don't forget. you still owe me that hundred that i lent you for food, from my GRADUATION MONEY.

you must be giving lady luck some pretty good performances for her to stick with you this long because i swear you're lucky that mom didn't take you back to court. mom could've taken you back to court at any time she pleased and gotten more money out of you for child support because you make more now. she could take you back to court tomorrow, and she could take you for all your worth. but she's not going to. she's not out for your blood anymore. she's out to get rid of you. and i don't blame her. you're JUST LIKE your younger brother lou, and i can't stand it. i can't stand him, and i can't stand you. i bet if it had turned out that you had a son instead of me, we wouldn't be having this problem. you make me sick.

just because i turn eighteen does not mean i stop being a daughter and does not mean you stop being a father, either.

i hate you.

girls, whenever my wedding comes around, i need to borrow one of your dads. please don't make me hire a paid actor to play my father. wait. maybe i won't need one of your dads.

i'll just tell my husband-to-be that my father is dead.

that's it. that's what i'll do. because who knows. maybe it'll be true by then.

i mean, think about it. that saying, "any one can be a father. it takes a man to be a dad." it's very true, and quite literal. we say, "you fathered my child." we do not, however, say, "you dadded my child."

though we do say, "you my baby daddy."


yeah. thanks for teaching me how to play video games.

and you didn't even do that very well.

hate., such guys, dads, fathers

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