Jun 11, 2009 14:03
A morning adventure. After last night's post, I realized that I compromise *before* I even ask for what I want. So, I went to bed meditating on, “ask for and do what I want,” “listen to the wants of others,” “find win win situations by being true to myself.” When I woke up, earlier than expected having not gone to bed until after 2am, I found myself ready to fall into my old habit, of wait for ldyjane to wake up, or “the other” in other circumstances. That’s not what I wanted to do at all. I wanted to type a bit and then head out to work on my pieces for tomorrow’s performance. So that’s what I did. When I left, she was still sound asleep and peaceful as the pillow. I had a banana, double checked general directions with Chris and off I went.
What an adventure! I had difficulty finding a nice secluded glen, so after walking a bit past offices? Classrooms? Research facilities? I saw down to the left near the banks of the canal a decently flat, somewhat hidden area. Hey, I’m going to be loud, simulating sex and talking to myself. I’m allowed some privacy as I work. I get through the first story, both parts, clean up some of the scarf work and then decide to take a break. “Two Lovers Entwined Like Peas In a Pod” is the longer story anyway, almost double the length of “Shepherd’s Cantata.” Across the canal, I saw what looked to be the perfect place, flat in between lots of trees, and I didn’t see any roads. I also didn’t see any bridges and not having a boat, I started walking. After a hike, I finally come across a path that looks like it’ll be turning to cross the river. I don’t know how long I wandered, I went past a stadium, soccer and baseball, found myself on the Catholic University Campus, past dorm rooms, lost the canals completely, saw a lot of nifty ducks. But no secluded glen. In fact, since I somehow ended up on a college campus, I was suddenly around more people instead of fewer. I kept walking, vaguely in a circle, hoping to find what I’d seen across the water. I did find a space, behind some more sports fields nearish the water that could have been what I’d seen. But by this time I was getting hungry and I’d been going over lines as I walked. How to get home? Nothing looked familiar, but I felt like I’d been making a huge loop so I kept at it, and asked the trees to help guide me. They were great, I made it to a main-ish street and a number 2 bus showed up! I know the number 2, so I watched where it was going and walked in the same direction. I wasn’t about to hop on since I knew I wasn’t that far from home. Of course, after seeing a last turn it made onto a different main-ish street, I wanted to continue enjoying the back roads and almost got lost again. Catholicism came to my rescue in the form of the church’s steeple that I passed at the beginning of my journey. Went around the church until I found the street I came on, stopped in a little corner store to treat myself to a chocolate - not nearly as good as many I’ve had, I think this was a mass produced truffle, but cheap - and made it home almost 3 hours after I’d initially left. Give or take 20 minutes since it’s not like I was really looking at the time.
At home, I cut up some of the baquette I bought 2 days ago, smothered it in pesto, made some tea, had some salad and another piece of chocolate and sat here typing sipping my Earl Gray.
Danielle’s up and about - although not for very long. I’m so glad I went out like I wanted to, because she’s loving a chill lazy day where maybe she’ll take a walk later. And had I waited this morning as is the habit I’m breaking, I would have been miserable and felt like I’d wasted my morning.
My morning was definitely not wasted. And neither was ldyjane's.