Nov 24, 2005 00:55
I just got back from the hotel my folks are staying at and was greeted
by 3 forraging racoons. They were soo cute! They looked
like little cute furry burglars only in search of food. They
stared at me a little while and then went around the house next to my
The wheelchair my parents rented was sent to the wrong hotel location,
the free shuttle between hotels doesn't have a wheelchair lift, so even
though my folks got into Seattle on time and had a smooth flight, they
were an hour and a half later than expected. I had a lot of time
in the lobby of the hotel as their young non-street saavy driver drove
them in circles.
Is Mercury retrograde over yet?
And I become such a smart ass when I talk with my parents! It
annoys me, but at the same time it's almost impossible to curb
it. I feel like I need this defense mechanism to deal w/ my
father's disability, otherwise I'd be full of uncomfortable silences
which suck and he deserves better. My parent's are great.