Jul 21, 2006 13:26
Yay! I'm finally 19! Today's been fun and relaxing already! My mom and little sister drove up this morning and we went to Cracker Barrel. Then we went to Wal-mart and mommy bought me school supplies and a shrimp ring! YAY for shrimp! She also told me that my daddy's going to buy me a class ring whenever I order one. YAY! I'm super excited.
Last night was sooooooo much fun! Jaime, Kim, Petrona, and I went to the Lady in the Water screening. It was one of the best movies I've seen all year and is definitely my new favorite movie! It was so good! I also got cotton candy and a dr. pepper for the movie and I could NOT go to sleep! I was sooo hyper, but I talked to annakee and dani till I got sleepy!
More good news! Wesleyan puts out this really nice magazing twice a year I think for the alumnae, and they're going to do a feature on the horses! They asked me to write the article and they're going to feature my photography! Yay for being published! I'm excited and it goes out to like 8,000 people!
Well, I'm going to go be lazy! I'm going to ride Color eventually, and I may go out for dessert with Lauren. I hope everyone else has an awesome day as well!