WARNING: This is a SPOILER FREE zone so no spoiler talk in here.
I am a bit late but RL came between me and my show. *grrr* Also the fact that so many people were angry and disappointed kept me from posting sooner because I loved it so much. I decided that I still wanted to tell why, even if I am maybe in the minority.
Lets start.
WOW, just wow.
This was again one of those I-am-spoiled-but-I-know-nothing kind of episode. They are really good at hiding stuff if they want to. There was so little known about this episode that I was afraid that it was going to be boring and a sort of in between one.
I am going right into MOfocus mode here.
This was some controversial stuff and I loved all of it. I am aware that not everybody likes it and I am sure it even made a lot of people very angry and sad and I am so sorry about that. I can understand why people are disappointed but I found it mesmerising to watch. The acting, especially between Mum, son and daughter-in-law was beyond awesome to me.
I am used to fans disappearing in this fandom but now I fear people around me will vanish into the fandom black hole of disbelief and WTFness and I am afraid that I will be the only one loving this all and the only one left in the end. There is no fun in that.
Please don't leave me. *grabs a leg and clings*
This show has been a multi shark jumper champion since day one and the plot holes are numerous but they are good at doing it at the same time. Same as with the pregnancy I had a WTF moment when the spoilers hinted at this but they sold it and I think it is the actors like so many times before.
Due to the fact that I overthink everything and always question my own motives when it comes to PB, I came up with why the no-bro storyline didn't bother me so much, in fact I even liked it. My shallow self thinks because this is the 'Michael show' for me but I like to think it is because I don't care if they are blood bros because they ARE brothers and that is much more powerful than anything Mum bitch can say. I love how evil Mum underestimated that 'no blood' bond completely.
The very emo Michael who cried that Linc was much more a brother than she was a mother and that he never left both proved how strong the bond is between them and why he loves and adores Linc so much. Linc raised him, so he is the only real family he had, blood or not. That is IMO very powerful.
I need to say something about Lincoln. *pulls head out of her Michael-loving ass* If I look at this storyline from his character POV (or that of his fans) I feel your frustration and anger, I really do. As I said many times Linc is up an down for me. I think it is a combination of his acting (sometimes I looooove him and sometimes he is too flat or seems disinterested so I don't notice him) but I also think he is a victim of the writers' over the top plots and I think this is a perfect example.
After my initial elation about those he-is-not-you-bro scenes I realised what it would do with his character. The low IQ and the he is always in trouble was very harsh and makes him too stereotypical for me which he is not IMO. The writers redeemed themselves by the fact that this all didn't make any difference for Michael and he still considered him his brother.
We spoiled ones don't know but I think either this is a wannabe Christina who tries to manipulate the hell out of them (why?????) or is a cold-hearted bitch that doesn't give a fuck about her own kid(s). I still think there is more to this story and I like to know more about the brainwashing they did after her operation.
The Mum is amazing in all her evilness and I love how she has the same kind of stare that Michael has and that she is just as smart so his real match, also in the snark department. Of course I hate her for putting them through this. Kathleen Q is totally selling this slow talking evil bitch to me. She is one scary evil Mum and I enjoyed watching her do so.
The difference between the brothers was spot on (ignoring the eyes here) and you could see things for Michael fall into place and to be honest it made sense. That scene was just tremendous.
Angry Michael is both great and uncomfortable because it is rare due to the fact that he is such a composed character so for me it is powerful but upsetting to watch, but in a good way. I could understand that he was ready to kill her after all this shit. Not only was he face to face with his selfish, crazy mother but on top of that she was dropping the bombshell of all bombshells. Talking about kicking a man when he is down. His face when she dropped that was just so sad and all I could think was: This is too much and How much can a person take? Went has always been good at emoting but he still amazed me with this. Kudos to Mr Miller.
The dynamic between the three actors was great so I bet Went and SWC were having a field day acting with the very talented Kathleen Q. It was amazing all around.
That kiss in the warehouse was very sweet and I loved that it was kind of lingering for a goodbye kiss and that Michael closed his eyes. It was like he was getting strength from it.
Sara was terrific as a very supportive girlfriend and I loved her compassion for Michael; it was very very moving. I think she freaked out by his freak-out not because she is scared of him but she knew that he was crossing the line and might hate himself for doing that, later. I am sure her bathing with Kman also has something to do with it. His hesitation by looking at her but decided that he had no choice was a great touch and the fact SHE was the voice of reason because she could see how difficult this all was for him was awesome.
After his freak out HE CRIED and apologized (I am sure that he was worried what she would think of him) and was disgusted by himself and I LOVED that so much.
I especially liked that Sara was listening in on what was said because that was a sort of conformation about his tragic life and I think it clicked even more what he has been through and why he did what he did for Linc. Her comforting him and HIM seeking that comfort and reassurance from her broke my heart. I loved her for taking over (and him for trusting her to do so) confronting the Mum but that she was totally in over her head when the Mum mentioned the baby.
The low blow about bars and AA and Sara's I-was-a-classy-junk-not-a-shabby one response was terrific and so Sara.
The head kiss was hawt (before dr. Spleen in fact stole it for her weird experiment you know I love you Rose but it is kind of a tradition now) and does funny things with the Motummy and she has to stop doing it because I have the feeling that she likes it too much as do I
I knew the mum would guess the pregnancy (not spoiled) and I think it was to show us that like Michael she is super observant and I think Michael would be as well if he was not so preoccupied and I think the mum is right in saying that Michael would be happy, even under the circumstances.
As always I love every bit of interaction between Michael and Sara. He is kind of helpless and more dependent on her. I also think it is a big thing for him to let someone in, even if it is Sara. He is just at the end of his rope IMO. In a weird way it made their bond even stronger because again there was drama and danger and he is always more opening up when that happens.
I don't really want to Moan because I am going to miss the show so much and people are so angry already.
It is sad that this pairing comes to an end. Imagine what they could do with a better script with great character development. Their subtle acting blew me a way again and IMO it is a miracle in a show like this.
The rest
Because it really felt like it his week and though there was good stuff, the problem with this episode was that the scenes between Michael, Mum and Sara were so great that I wanted to stay with that story so the team Miami scenes were dragging for me.
I was talking to Scribbles, like we always do, and she said that there are too many peeps still around and I couldn't agree more.
I love the back to the pilot feel. We are back were we started when Linc was framed. The whole purpose of this show. I know some of you are frustrated and I can see why but to me it also means that they have to solve this mess because the are never going to be free if they don't.
Mum supposedly knowing the gender of the baby is creepy. Is she psychic? I hope the bloody company doesn't have anything to do with that as well. That would be weird, even for me. LOL
Linc playing with trucks and Michael pulling apart the TV set as kids cracked me up. Great writing.
Being a Tarantino fan I appreciate this reference to Pulp Fiction. I love that Sara was so cool about the kidnapping of Mum.
Lot of S1 stuff. Michael playing with chemicals again. Mum being very Michael like and crafty and she even got the Michael is-going-into-MacGyver-mode flute music
I loved Mahone this episode as well. The thing with Mahone is that for me he has the most annoying, moaning fanbase in this fandom so that ruined him for me and I always have to distance myself in my head from that because after Michael, Sara and Sucre, I think he is my favourite. I am not a big fan of his family story due to the actress who played his wife but I love him and he was amazing again. Losing it (he has been in control for a long time) and his frustration but still wanting to help is just great to watch.
T-Bag is comic relief as always so I tend to forget that he is a dangerous and an opportunist so I am worried about him at the moment. Killing VS was apaling but so him.
Self: Time to leave buddy. *pushes him out of PB land*
I still am not clear on Scylla so maybe I am stupid or just not paying attention.
Padman and his bible friend are two giant creeps but I love watching them. The condescending what do pedophiles from Alabama usually get up to! was brillant.
The blue/green eyes debate. To be honest I thought Linc's eyes were brown *facepalms* and I though it was established that Michael has blue eyes (Went has green) due to the blue lightning in S1. *shrugs*
This has been a hallelujah-I-still-love-this-show kind of review but I just can help it. I am not trying to convince anybody and I respect all other opinions and I think this is why my flist is great.
Due to work and timezones from hell I can not participate in Amy's rewatch but I always try to lurk or read back and you all crack me up. I hope I can be there for the last two eps.
Only 3 (5) episodes left.
*sticking head in the sand*
wrldpossibility for the reading
scribblecat for the talks and icon. You are both awesome.
screencaps: Amber7 and sunshinegirl on EX