The adventures of a semi lurker a.k.a. the rewatch 3.01 - 3.13

Apr 09, 2009 16:00

We are getting promos and press releases so it is getting more exciting but there is also confusion about the schedule again. *facepalms* The double episode is apparently not 4.17 and 4.18 but it seems to be 4.16 and 4.17 and they will end the season (15/5) with 4.21 and 4.22 together but still no definite news on the last two extra ones. The DVD is coming out and it is not sure if they are on the last disc or not but according to different sources they are on the UK one for sure. As always lots of uncertainty with this show but if it is like this that means we will see the episode after the finale if a nice UK fan is good enough to make it available for us all. YES!!!! *BEGS* No comments from Went or SWC but to be honest I never expected it. It is a shame though.

The 2007 summer hiatus seemed never ending and it was even worse because of Went being all over the gossip press (at least on the internet and foreign press) as the closeted actor but nowhere to be seen and on top of that a nasty rumour started in June that SWC was not coming back. It was a poster on TWoP who knew somebody on the show (that poster vanished soon after, so maybe it was a deliberate leak)
I couldn't believe it because no way was this true. Sara was such an asset to the show and they build up this relationship so her not coming back was just plain stupid IMO. So I clinged to my denial and even after we got a conformation I thought it was a fake-out to give SWC some time to be a mum and it would create all this angst. When Nick S was starting to speak out I was getting worried because I could feel his frustration and irritation towards fans who thought Sara(h) not returning was such a big deal and would ruin the show. The more he talked the worse it became and so was the polarisation within the fandom. Finally Muse Watson (Westmoreland) confirmed on TwoP that Sara(h) was not coming back.
IMO the HITB ruined a lot of things and PB fandom was no longer a happy place and lots of people abandoned the show. In my delusional mind I thought throughout the whole season that she would be back somehow and when the final was over I lost the faith and thought I was wrong after all.

During this time I was still lurking but I decided to mail msgenevieve and scribblecat. Jen just finished Safe House and I wanted to let her know how much I enjoyed it and her other stories. I also included a mail for Sarah who's art, posts and comments I always loved so much. It was suppose to be one mail but here I am. I couldn't get rid of them, stalkers they are the both of them. I was starting a LJ so I could comment on their fic and art on-line but I got so worked up about HITB that the I started to comment on the situation and could not shut up about it but it was good therapy for me. LOL
I also discovered a new amazing writer with the intriguing name wrldpossibility and I was hooked up with her via Sarah and I couldn't get rid of her either. The same goes for rosie_spleen. We 'met' during comments about our mutual hate love for Nick S and I also love her crack fic a lot. So I had 4 friends LOL but more were to follow. That was the great thing from S3. I gotten to know lots of great people that understood exactly how I felt.

From S1 there was always complaining about jumping sharks but the unbelievable premiss IMO was the nature of the show (a guy goes to prison to break his brother out and has the blueprints tattooed on him. DUH!!!) but the relationships were done very believably and that balanced the other stuff out so when they messed with that (because actors were not available) that was much more unbelievable to me and HITB caused a real problem in that department.
Discovering this show and Wentworth and Sarah was such a great experience and gave me many happy times but during that time I felt that I was paying the price for that over investment. I was grieving for a fictional character almost as for a RL friend (that is madness) and the uncertainty and being manipulated by press and the writers ruined a lot of the fun for me. This is suppose to be escapism not something that would make you so sad and frustrated. I said it many times before that the fact that I love this show so much is because of the Michael character so there was never a question of not watching but by killing of Sara they also ruined his story and it was hard to watch and for me things have never been quit the same again on-line. I looooove LJ but the rest is over and it took me a long time to accept that. I lurk at a lot at places but only the show and LJ makes me happy these days.

To me it is kind of amazing that Went never seemed to have a problem at all that Sara(h) being so popular. Like SWC said in a recent interview; Sara is just a small character in a show with an amazing lead, but it is like he is happy to be sharing the lime light with her. IMO there was a lot of SWC drama going on behind the scenes before S3 started and smart as he is, he knew this would be a drama on a personal, professional and artistic level. At the Upfronts last year, seeing and hearing him being all snarky, in a very in-your-face kind of way about the writers (our input as actors is big) and TPTB and about the HITB, again (too many chefs in the kitchen and SWC classy behaviour in all of this) gave me the feeling that there was not a lot of love lost between Went an the writers/ TPTB.

Wentworth Miller September 2007 National Ledger
Whether he's in jail or out, Dr. Sara (Sarah Wayne Callies) will somehow remain part of Scofield's life, reveals his alter ego. It will be a pivotal year for her. However, the audience is going to discover early on that nothing will ever be the same for the two characters. How so? That's the question.

All I remember at the start of S3, despite my denial, being so scared that the rumours were true and she was really gone. She was not in the opening credits so that was another slap in the face. I didn't reread any of the comments when rewatching because it was all too depressing. It was not just Sara who was missing but at the time I tried to stay my usual positive self but PB was just not that good except for Wentworth and Mahone. There were to many totally useless characters and it seemed so far removed from S1 and S2. Looking back I have the feeling everything went bad for the show at that point; the casting, the strike and losing SWC. When I rewached it again this summer because we knew that Sara(h) was coming back I could watch the show without the sadness hanging over it and IMO it was not as bad as a lot of fans thought it was but HITB was a big big mistake.

new casting

I immediate fell in love with McGrady and IMO the only interesting new character in S3.
JLOK is IMO a bad actress, beautiful eyes but a very hard face and nasty mouth. In S4 she appeared to be a bit better but more funny than nasty so I think she would be better suited for comedy or soap.
Zzzzoph is a weak hollow character who is played by a very mediocre actress who is not good enough to carry such a role because she is boring, to girly girly, whiny and totally useless. I think she got a bigger part because Sara(h) was not coming back.
With Lechero I had the same as with Zzzznote. Robert W. is a good actor but I never cared about the character and IMO he was a waste of time in the storyline.
For Whistler I had high hopes but I was disappointed. He had some great scenes with Michael and Mahone but he didn't make an impact and I will not miss him.

Michael in Sona is so out of place and the scene when he wakes up sitting up breaks my heart.
Bellick in his underwear *shudders* is a great and brave acting choice by Wade.
Mi/Ma chemistry is great in a non-slashy way.
The first fence scenes from Michael and Linc is awesome and great acting from both them.
I loved that after 2 seasons of Michael always being very secretive or careful about his feelings, he was now completely open about how he felt for Sara. Kudos to the writers (and the actors) for taking it slow and never rushed anything with those two.
The morgue lady was scary and I am with Msgen on this, that she was the real HITB lady. Dom did good acting wise.
Mahone is awesome in go for the kneecap, they are really good together.
Linc when he meets Gretchen and needs a jacket is hilarious.

WEM IS PB, IMO if it was not for him this show would have been cancelled after S3.
The brothers fence talk were the highlights of last season IMO.
During the call with non-Sara, Went was good in emoting as always and made that scene somehow believable for me.
There was a scene between Whistler and Zzzzoph and they were toughing hands through the fence and I was annoyed that after MiSa we got THIS but I was also bored and at that same time my screen fell asleep and there was my screensaver with MiSa and I became all emo again. IT WAS A SIGN to keep the faith, I tell you. LOL

I loved the little freak out from Went when he didn't know how to get the phone and all I care about is this (clutching Sara's pic) and when he stressed when waiting for Linc to report back. We never saw him so tense. *loves him* WEM in top form as far as I am concerned.
Mahone strung out is a very enjoyable to watch

'The bloody box'. I have nothing to say.

This ep when we discovered what was in the box I spoiled myself after airing (which I never do) because I was so stressed out that I wanted to know beforehand. I was kind of resigned at first because we finally knew after Nick S manipulated us for so long, but the realisation of what could have been soon too over and I felt sad so sad!!

Dom was good in the 'box scene' and there was MiSa music.
In the fence scene Went was excellent again. The brothers know each other so well what are you not telling me?
I couldn't really concentrate on the rest of the bizz-as-usual-ep anymore because how could they go on with out her? Now when I watch, I can concentrate because SHE IS BACK!!!!!'?
Mahone strung out and Michael trying to to manipulate him and Bellick as well and some of the dialogue especially between the three of them was great.
Zzzoph: Are you still here? NAG NAG NAG I hate women who moan al the time.
The MiMa showdown was great and Michael was really scared of Mahone. The slashers were having a field day. LOL
Sucre *loves* was a bit of a band aid for our wound for showing up and helping his friend and Michael very subtle smile was so sweet.

I love Went, so no objectivity what so ever, but seeing the episodes now back to back I also noticed that he has great continuity and is consistent (unlike Dom) and you can see him getting more frustrated and slowly breaking apart. Went is smart and as I said many times before IMO underestimated for his talent. Now that he is FAT people can concentrate on that instead of his looks.

Michael gets bitchy with Mahone, Linc and Whister as he runs out of patience. LOL
JLOK is so bad and I hate her mouth, it is mean.
The French guy was totally useless.
Zzzoph on beach with Linc. YUK!!!!
What I found annoying that all the SWC/ MiSa scene in the past were short and they seem to drag the scenes with Zzzoph for too long. Why? *facepalm*
LOL @ Whister comment to Michael when he fixes the microwave and being a geek. You always won the elementary science fair? Michael's face was priceless, like Yeah...and?
When they found the binoculars and they all had to sit on there knees on the yard I found that kind of hawt.
I loved Michael feeling guilty and being afraid.
T Bag and the nun I just don't care. WHY????
Michael being all snarky against Whistler leave me alone. He is so fed up. *claps hands*
Mahone is smart with the coffee cup.

3.06 Photo Finish; the one we were all waiting for

LOL @ Bellick for 'making a pass' at the French guy.
Michael knows something is wrong. He is so much smarter than Linc and always has the last last word.
The most disgusting scene of last season is Gretchen showing the scars between her legs to a minor LJ. I don't care one bit about her back story either.
Sammy is another useless and boring character.
Mahone/ Lang/ Sullens have a great dynamic.
MiMa having a snarkfest and I love it.
I also love how Michael always calls everybody by their surname.
During the fake out decapitating Marshall is very good but Gretchen embarrassingly bad.

Michael knows that there something horribly wrong Why not Linc? IMO great acting from Dom but WEM was phenomenal with his eyes, body language and when he was crying it was with the whole of his body. There was a lot of criticism on TWoP by the use of the montage but it worked for me.
I am not a crier but I cried!!!!

After 3.06 I found it really difficult to watch, though still stubbornly in denial I was so scared I was wrong and that SWC never would come back. PB became so bleak and Michael having no hope of any kind of happiness broke my heart. Went delivered time after time though so I never could walk away from the show, ever. My only hope now was the season finale with some kind of clue.

Angry Michael (because of Sara's death) is strange and uncomfortable to watch. We have seen him angry before but always in a controlled kind of way.
Bellick is great (Wade is such a great actor) and made me all emo with his I am sorry Michael and She was a good person.
The timing of the escape is good because Michael had to be in survival mode and no time to think.
Mahone detoxing, sitting on the bed with Lang is all kind of excellent.
Although the chicken foot fighting is fake IMO it was also a relief of a lot of frustration for both Michael and Whistler.
Do IT *cries*
Sucre is still love, helping Linc.
Linc smash into Gretchen is very nice to watch.
Lechero IMO is unconvincing as a bad guy. Boooring!!!!
The Gretchen /Whistler meeting at the fence is not surprising.
McGrady has the most adorable little lost puppy face and Michael: You look sharp is so sweet with all that stuff on his mind.
The bro tension is very in character and about time that Michael tells him the truth. IMO he is an ungrateful bastard after all Michael did for him. You used me. Ohhh!!!!
The Gretchen/ Whistler relationship makes no bloody sense.
She at HQ is bad acting and a big joke and makes Robin (Vee) like Meryl Streep IMO.
Michael is talking all snarky to Whistler: Is this a bad time for you? LOL
T Bags lines and deliverance are always marvellous. I like it when he is his evil, 'charming' self but no sub plot please.
The femme slash scene between Gretchen and ZZzzz is IMO a competition for who is the worst actress on PB in S3. You are so beautiful. *pukes*
Smart Michael notices something is up with Whistler, who has to kill him.
Linc and Sucre at wooden house/shooting have nice chemistry.
I love the code Don't come home for dinner so sweet Michael is still angry but is still there for his bro.
Mahone in court is amazing in making no sense whatsoever.

IMO the helicopter scene is very funny, Michael hanging on to Whistlers legs.

Fake Michael with tattoo annoyed the hell out of me. What is the point?

Michael in a box is both hot and hawt and in all those scene he is suffering, he looks so fucking beautiful.
Lang has a thing for Mahone, I tell ya.
LJ /Linc brief reunion is great. I closed my eyes but I heard it Oh, how I clinged to those words.
Sucre again is love going to give water to his Papi. GO and I am sorry about Sara. *loves them*
Whister is a big wuss during interrogation he spilled before they even touched him. LOL
Sucre and Linc playing Gretchen is fun but stupid. “Dumb and dumber”, anyone?
Gretchen was tougher during torture but was bad unconvincing acting again.

Bellick 'the dirty chicken fight hero' is hilarious. He is so good at playing a pathetic man. LOL
Michael: You seem concerned for her? ACE!!
Was it you who killed Sara? and I am coming for you, just amazing.
Lincoln being a ungrateful bastard is on my shit list again after Gretchen's arrest having a go at Michael. HE WAS IN THE HOT BOX FFS!!! How about, how are YOU bro?
Michael is always on to Whistler.
Michael and TBag scenes together are always fun to watch.
Sammy is annoying and I didn't like his acting as well. He had some fans on TWoP though.
Linc looks better with some hair (I had to say something about hair LOL)
Bellick going all Delta Force OMG. LOL
LOL @ 'Sugar' and Gretchen who distracted me because her mouth seems to have a life of its own.
MiMa against Whistler is amazing but in hindsight problably fake because they obviously made a deal together.
Sammy gets killed and I just don't care.
It amazes me how few of the new characters I did care for and that is not good and I blame the very bad casting last year. This year it looks much more hopeful and we always need someone to moan about so who was it this year? LOL
The collapse of the tunnel is a shout out to the collapse of the Taj Mahal IMO.
The car bomb is a stupid move from Sucre. What Jackass? LOL *cringe*
The key chain scene is so bad. She is over Whistler pretty quick like Linc over Vee. And they complain about Misa being cheesy. *headdesk*
Michael's feeling guilty and Mahone It never gets any easier I love the fact that they have a strange relationship. They kind of like each other.
M/L fence scene is amazing again with Michael very down and cynical and Linc being selfish as usual.
Team Escapara 2 is all about the moaning again. LOL Deja vu!
Whistler Would you still break out if it wasn't for LJ? and Michael says no because he would pay for his sins and he has nothing to go back to, so sad but so Michael.
TBag is manipulating as always.
Escape is pretty fast, not dragging it.
ZZzzzzz's kidnapping was Sara storyline.
LOL at Bellick trying to make a deal with Mahone and being both lawmen.
Sucre helping Michael with the power is smart, rubbing off on him.
Customer service Michael is a smooth talker and Whistler notices that as well.
ZZZzzz torture. I know I am horrible but I just don't care.
Whistler is good being in panic about her though.
Michael feels bad *loves* and still hasn't lost his humanity.
He has his new S4 T shirt on already. I hope he had washed it when he meets Sara.
Fence for 5 talk is great but Whistler unclear to me as ever.
Michael Mostly I am just tired great continuity again.
McGrady/ Michael = MiSu all over again.
Sucre is in big shit again.
Michael outsmarts TBag, Bellick and Lechero.
Gretchen has more make up on than ever and it is like she has her war paint on.
Again a very cold reunion between the bro's.

There are some amazing shots of sea and beach.
I love protecting Michael over McGrady and his dad rescuing them is just as sweet, not to mention smart. I will miss him but I am glad he has a happy end. Loved their goodbye.
I loved the sad contemplative music on the boat.
Clever Linc arranging that fake gunshot.
The Whistler/ Linc irritation is awesome and Linc is in charge and a surprised Michael is watching, leaning against the car, arms folded with a little smile.
You did great is sweet interaction.
Both the Mahone and Whistler escape is smart.

I think the last ep The art of the dealwas my fav because we had lots of smart Michael.

It is the beginning of the geek brown jacket of love *loves*
Michael running is very funny because of his finger pointing.
Mahone and the bucket hat, No words!!! LOL
Michael is calling the shots with Gretchen and she is no match for him unlike Linc.
His 'look' as he sits across her *dies*
She is trying to recruit him right away. *facepalm*
You and I are going to spend some quality time together is awesome!!

LJ's Thinking you can outsmart my uncle is just brilliant.
Michael and LJ first contact time since the pilot IMO is one of those very weird choices the writers made.
Michael's elbow in glass box is a great moment
Sucre, nearly buried alive, is very disturbing

TBag is such a snake and I forgot that he helped Lechero to the other side and again I just don't care.
Zzzzz getting shot was supposed to be Sara and why does she survive it and Sara was supposed to die????? Why not a fake out cliff hanger? *grrrrrr*
Michael wants to kill Gretchen but hesitates. He can't do it.
TBag and the nun have fake hand handporn. LOL
Sucre again saves Papi and ends up in hell with TBag as the devil.
The rose, the music, the flash back and Went's acting is hard to watch even now.
(I still think that already at that point they were trying to get SWC back. Remember ASSielo? IMO he knew)
Revenge is all Michael has got left, very sad but understandable.
Mahone's now famous "If" was very multi interpretable but now we know for sure.
Michael/ Linc have a good hug and emotions for a change.
Linc as the voice of reason saying that they are finally together and can be a family. Not for Michael though, the loss is too big and Linc feels guilty.
That song Llorando killed me.

Sad Michael in his car with gun and rose is a fantastic last shot going into a wide shot of the car driving away.

*drops ded from exhaustion*

I am convinced that there are no DVD comments for S3 because the writers were not happy about it and they would have to go into the SWC debacle. Up until the finale I always had hoped that Sara's death was a fake out, or that TPTB/The writers had come to their senses but after 3.13 was finished I was so incredibly sad that I did not even take the 'IF' by Mahone as a clue and lost all faith for at least a week. I have to say that I also had a nasty flu so I blame fever for my unfaithfulness. LOL

I love these interviews and though I normally hate my fellow countryman Jensen (he is a moron) this is one of the better interviews with both Went and Dom. He is a real fan of the show and maybe that's why it is so much fun. I have to say that especially Dom cracks me up here. LOL

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Thanks for reading this because it made it much more fun to write.
Many thanks to scribblecat for the looooooong reading and the screencaps.
credit: rtl gemist, WM source gallery

LETS ENJOY the last part of this amazing trip..
A WEEK!!!!!!!!!

the rewatch/ 3.01 -3.13, hiatus from hell, trip down memory lane

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