Dresdens and Dragons
A Dresden Files Fanfic
Characters: Harry, Dragon, Ensemble (eventually), Red Court Vampires (deceased).
Pairings: Harry/Dragon, Harry/Marcone (eventually).
Warnings/Kinks: Non-Con, Bestiality, Inflation, M-Preg, Masturbation, Stockholm Syndrome, Voyeurism, Possessiveness.
Part One,
Part Two,
Part ThreeThe waiting is the worst
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Woo, more DnD. (This is going to make those weekly Arcanos games awkward, isn''t it?)
And, yes, of course he is nasty with knife twisting. Dilplomacy is war without blood, usually. And he has quite a bit of Loki still in him.
His words had bit deep and true, and he would follow up with something crueler yet.
"Now, release me, or I shall release myself, I've a job to do, and children to protect. We are not enemies, but allies. I defend from within and you defend from without. The galaxy thanks you and your father for your kindness in offering up the heart of your constellation to contain the fearlings, and I myself honor your bravery and loyalty of the heart." He would gesture if he could, but he could not. Instead he was forced to rely on tone and and shaking his head slightly, letting tears prick at his eyes. This Loki was adopted, he likely found out, and then tried to do something foolish for love, or acting out to test the love. Then upon rejection he had left. He could work with that. "But I am not your son however much any of us might wish it otherwise."
The woman stepped forward, almost reached for him, and Lopt heard Thor shift over to his side, but Lopt's eyes were only for the King. He wondered if he made a mistake in that, for the other two followed their hearts and might take some...foolish tactical inititve.
Odin raised his hand and moved it slightly. "Free Him." No one came forward, and the chains fell into neat coils around his feet.
Lopt saluted, not as he usually did with one hand to his chest, but instead modern mode, crisply to the hair line like a knight flipping back his helm, and down. "It," false hesitation, "It is just as well, I'd not have survived here long anyways, not enough children." A lie, they were warriors and he was aspected to war, and unlike many others, Winter could stick his arm outside the bars of the fearling's cage.
Kozmotis had merely released most of the physical cage. The binding of spirits to the belief of children still remained. Children were prone to hope, their memories would fade with the taking of teeth, their terrors were often formless, and often stark--not near as terrible as what an adult could dream, could create. And when children were vessles for the vilest brews of terror--oft inflicted by adults, eventually they would age and that fear would be taken out of the Boogieman's grasp forever.
Lopt let his posture change slightly, shoulders rounding, and did not fidged. Showed it as softness and not how a child would react. He folded his arm and bowed to them in respect. He lied again, "I am sorry."
"I thank you, and apologize, on behalf of Asgard, and my family. Do you need to be sent back to Midgard?"
"That is not required." A gesture, a quick lifting arm with grasping fingers, the frost beneath his feet remained, but the rest of it, and his blood, gathered into his hand into a compacted ice ball. He nodded, and turned on his heel, one step was into a localized snow flurry, the next was into a snow storm on earth.
Well, Bob has SOME survival instincts. He didn't ask to watch, after all.
The word had maning meanings Thor was wraped up in them as perhaps Loki had been.
He clung to that thought, because it was the closest he'd ever be to his brother ever again, for he was Alone. Never again would a welcome shadow, quiet footsteps and sly words, ever be at his shoulder, ever aid or comfort him again. Never again would he have his clever right hand. He was alone.
The family was alone now, he was alone with them, and each other them were alone within themselves, for there was no bright spark of mischeif or laughter, now or ever again.
Though they had hoped.
Thor did not want to be alone. He took his mother by her hands and tried to comfort her pain. He was the cause of it, for causing hopes and casting them down with his wrongness. "I'm so sorry." Mother smiled and touched his cheek, offering comfort to him, and it should not be so, because it was his fault. "My fault. And he is beyond our reach now."
"Oh, Thor. We adopted Loki, he is the family we chose, though..." She tailed off and Thor saw her heart break, again. Again.
But not alone this time
"We may choose each other again. He will never be..."
He completed the sentance for her, voice rough, "Family."
"No." Odin's voice was like Mjolnir in the rain. Imoveable and a monument of grief. "He will never be our son again, I lost him. But he may yet call you brother."
"Go to him, Thor," Frigga pressed at her son. "Go to him and know him anew. Be brothers as you were before, in all but blood, until, perhaps, you make that vow as well."
"Your love is a shallow, selfish thing."
When Thor announced he would go to Middard it was mildly surprising that Sif decided to acompany him. While his friends followed him everywhere, even into exile, there was little on Midgard for them.
No tests of strength for Volstaag, no rarities and delicaices to eat fro Volstaag (He might have come is elephants were on the menu) and while there were maidens aplenty Sif was going. And if Sif was going she'd likely stop Fandral more often or not.
Sif though? Perhaps she wished to strike at Loki who was not. Perhaps she wished to come between Thor and his mortal love.
When asked she shrugged, "I am a war goddess, and since that fool Kozmotis let them out the fearling war is the greatest active war currently going on."
It's prob. my anti-Sif tendencies but she comes off as a selfish bitch to me. She wants war. I hope Lopt is too busy playing with Jack and Bucky and Pitch to pay her any mind.
What exactly do the warriors 3 hope to do while on Midgard? I hope Tony is footing the bill for all the feasts.
Incidentally, is Asgard aware of who Pitch used to be? At this point it could go either way.
(Taking break from DnD, working on other...)
He doesn't do it to make them look bad, specifically. In his head people suspect him of treachery, that he would go 'home' or something like that. So he's doing it to show everyone in his new/real home that he'd never want to go back.
Oh he does worse to Sif/Asgard. He thanks Thor and says he accepts Odin's apology and mitigation of wrongs, it was not nesicary but he will put this sword to good work, and the harm was little so it should not be too long.
Basically he turns Sif coming along and helping (and being free to leave) into her being put under his command as a nice thing Asgard is doing for him/Tsar Lunar.
And they don't have a Loki to gracefully talk their way out of this, so they have to take it.
I was unclear. The W3 aren't coming because Midgard is boring to them. Except for Fandral, lots of ladies. But Sif is going for War, and would cockblock him.
Yes, Asgard is aware of it, or they can look it up. Most of them sneer at his weakness or someshit, I think.
(Other WHAT? Incidentally, it's a bit crunchtime in work so...yeah.)
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