365 days can change so much

May 07, 2020 01:05

It’s absolutely crazy to think a whole year has passed already. At this time a year ago I was in a different place, a different mindset and a different way of living all together. Who would’ve thought that so much could happen in a year.. I still can’t believe you’re gone... I still miss you so much Grandma, if I could turn back time I would tell you how much of an impact you had on my life, how much I looked up to you and aimed to be like you and still remember life lessons that you taught me, like if it won’t matter 50 years from now not to make an issue about it today. You had the biggest heart of anyone I have ever known and would give the shirt off your back for anyone, and made sure to make all of us kids feel important, special and most importantly loved. I smile when I remember all the good times drowning worms, making memories and just talking with you. However tears fill my eyes from all the hugs and kisses I must hold onto because you are no longer here to give them to. I miss you more than you could know and my heart breaks thinking that I can no longer just stop by with lunch or to say hi or simply wrap my arms around you and tell you I love you. A year changes a lot but one thing it doesn’t change is the heartache and grief I feel from missing you. 💕 I know you’re smiling down from heaven watching over our family I just can’t wait until the day when I will see you again 💕
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