Jun 26, 2005 12:04
i went to grove city/pittsburgh thurs-sat. for registration since i couldn't go monday. The castle's were staying at the jinks' all weekend, so i drove colleen and kara up there on thursday and came home saturday by myself.
the trip up was fun, i made a fun/girl/oldies mix to listen to, so we were singing and scaring the cars around us...but its all good! colleen taught me how to use cruise control...it FREAKED me out, haha! You know how spastic i can be i kept being like "BREAK!!!" i kept wanted to break to turn it off when i got closer to cars, but colleeen kept yelling at me telling me just to turn the cruise control down. Its so weird having the car move w/o pushing the gas, new experience!
We didn't get to bed until like 12 then had to wake up at 5:30 to get to grove city by 8...needless to say we were kinda tired. the sessions were kinda boring because i either knew most of the stuff or didn't care, plus being tired didn't really help. we registered and i was the first person on the computers so i got all the classes i wanted, which was exciting b/c things were filling up fast. I'm taking:
Calc 2
Computer Programming
Foundations of Education
Fit Well
Old Testament
The rest of friday we were with the jinks' and that was fun...we saw bewitched...but it was an 8pm showing, so i kinda fell asleep for like 15 minutes...haha! i liked it though (what i saw!) afterward i was giving kara "facial expression lessons" in the kitchen window, it was hysterical!
I left at 10 saturday morning for the 4 1/2 hour trek home, i was exhausted by the time i got home, but fortunately i was awake enough while i was driving, but i've never driven that far by myself. i mastered cruise control by that point! I talked to jul for a while so that kept me awake, thanks girl!
10 minutes after i got home i went to Aarthi's indian dance recital thing, it was AMAZING!!! she was incredible, i have never seen anything like that and have no idea how she could do it. Aperna and her danced for over an hour with such grace. then we had an indian dinner afterwards. it was really cool, then i came home and crashed!
sorry for such a long update on my life! i start woodberry tomorrow so that'll keep me busy for the remainder of the summer. adios!