Jan 22, 2007 09:25
SUP LJ! LONG TIME NO SEE Unless you count RP, lulz
So yeah, some of you already know this, some of you don't. But Paul's been real sick for a while, and he's gone now. And today is the services.
And I've been asked to put together a CD with a few songs for the funeral home to play during the course of the service. I've also ended up speaking.... This should be interesting.
And my brother found out about the engagement yesterday at the visitation. My dad found out in Indianapolis at that hospital. Lulz I was scared to tell him for some dumb reason, I'm really silly sometimes.
I kinda wanted to be wearing Mom's engagement ring around my neck yesterday and today since I never did for him and my fingers are too fat for me to wear it normally but I forgot it. I'm so damn flakey sometimes.
So what am I gonna say? I dunno.
Talk about the plans we had? That'd only depress everyone. Paul's dad always starts crying when he starts talking about that.
I feel kinda weird that I'm not completely crushed or anything. Maybe I'm used to losing people? I've lost someone every year since I graduated High School. Maybe it was because I had been able to see him one last time, maybe because of some of the talks Dad and I had during the course of all this, or maybe it really hasn't hit me yet.... Though the possibility that something is wrong with me is also a high possibility.
But when I start thinking about that, I remember that "Everyone grieves differently" stuff. Then I shrug and poke at Island.
I've been on the computer and devouring everything in sight, mostly. It's really pathetic. Since Paul got sick I've gained about 15 pounds. Nothing fits right anymore, I only have two pairs of pants I can wear, and my work clothes are steadily fitting worse and worse. I'm just so dumb like that.
The semester just started too, and I'm going to miss the first two days of most of my classes over the funeral and the visiting him in Indy and whatnot. Hopefully my profs aren't total assholes.
They're a bunch of 200 level lit classes, and a 300 level psych. One's a class about analyzing Literature, one's Brit Lit since 1798, the other is English lit since 1700, and then there's the Asolescent Psych.
And I got all my books at the start of the semester! Le gasp, they were in! That's cuz I didn't use the campus shop, lol. They suck. That and these courses are only required for English majors, and people go to my school for engineering and Communications and whatnot.
So of my books, one is called Literature how original, another is the second half of the Norton Anthology of British Literature, and then there's the Norton Anthology of World Literature, also the second half, and lastly Adolescence more originality points here.
.... So that's my life right now. I'm sitting at Paul's computer, and I'm half expecting to turn around and see him in the bed behind me. But he won't be. But there's a kitty. That helps, kinda. Imma go pet her, I need to calm down.