Oct 29, 2004 10:41
i cant believe its been this long for an entry.
so much as always is happening but nothing at all at the same time.
i fainted in intensive care last week, which was crazy. having all you co workers looking at you and hooking you up to machines.
im missing kzoo. i just saw a post for a block party where i used to live and hammsterdamn are playing, which i know is where id be if i was there. it gets lonely here sometimes
trying to make new friends, but im one of those people who think im impossing on people and bugging them, i guess thats how i felt in america and ive brought it home with me. dont get me wrong i do go out and murph is great but i miss that girlly something where you phone and say lets hang out and watch girly movies or get dressed up and try a new pub. it will all come with time i know
i am looking forward to this weekend well saturday anyway. we have a hallowwen party down the pub, andf im going to dress up. sunday is a memorial at the church for my uncle. im a bit nervous about it as ive never been to one and scarred it will feel to much like a funeral.
i cant believe novmeber is coming april will be here in 6 weeks. and maybe dave???
well i am sounding depressed and im not,
its just these stupid meds are making more emotional than need be.