I already know that what I said was lame, Yuushi didn't have to go that far at all. I so want to punch him, but that would require touching him and I don't want to get the lame ass right now. I know that I took the joke too far when I asked Reika if she would join in with Yuushi and I if we were a couple. But her and Jirou were the ones slashing everyone together first and with that dream I had that night.... But I can understand why she was shocked and I'm going to apoligize if she'll ever let me talk to her again. I even went out to a very non-boy friendly bead and jewellry shop to pick up things to make her a cell phone strap with. I really don't want her to be angry with me anymore... it's not fun.
I sort of expected her to tell Yuushi but I thought he would have just laughed it off or punched me and that would be the end of it.... I mean it was a joke! But no, he goes and does he lame mind games on me as if I already wasn't feeling like dirt. He should have already known that I wasn't actually soliciting them for a threesome or would never seriously expect that from Reika... but I'm a teenager, Yuushi's a good friend and I really like Reika, of course I'm going to have crazy out of my control sex dreams about them. It's normal!! Or at least something I shouldn't be ridiculed for like that.
I am so never telling Yuushi anything about me ever again. I hope he gets hit with one of Choutarou's serves to the head and that it knocks some niceness into him.
I think I want to go hit some indoor courts and work some energy off. Hey, Saeki, Jirou and Gakuto want to join me? We can play doubles or take turns playing singles on a court.
Reika, Your brother's a lameass loser. Will you be mad if I punch him? will you please meet with me for hot chocolate tomorrow? I'd like to speak with you.
ooc: strike deleted. and Shishi rambled a bit but I figured some backround info into what Yuushi and Ryou were bickering about was needed.