I stayed over at Pema's place the night before last, and we stayed up until 5 am for no particular reason. We both woke up really grumpy and mad at ourselves for it, because we had to be up early. It was so stupid, a bad end to a great time together. We're beyond the stage in our relationship when it's exciting to stay up all night for no reason... hehe.
He was telling me about how one of the thing that keeps him going in life is the thought is that if he gets good sleep, and eats well, he'll be basically happy. Small things like that can effect you so much in terms of mindset, it's very true. Last night I went to bed at a decent time, and woke up this morning feeling great! I had my blind up, so the sun was shining on me, and the fresh air was blowing in through the window. I'll have to go to bed on time more often, it feels so good :)
It's Liam Elliot Carson Speller!
This was taken pretty recently after he started smiling for the first time :)