Title: “Sakura-Shikamaru”
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Sakura/Sasuke, Shikamaru/Sakura
Prompt: "Be Great In Act As You Have Been In Thought" - Shakespeare
Rating: PG
Spoilers: vaguely for the Sasuke retrieval arc
Word Count: 107
Disclaimer: Naruto not mine
“Please,” she begged him and Sakura was a strong woman these days who shouldn’t have been begging.
“Um.” Shikamaru tried to think of response that wouldn’t get him punched through a few walls. Maybe that was what she needed, but he sure didn’t.
“For Sasuke-kun.”
Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke. It was always Sasuke. Why did women want to chain themselves to such disagreeable men? He never wanted to understand women. What did anyone see in Sasuke to like?
“You’re the most troublesome woman I know.”
She laughed wetly through the tears. “Is that a proposal?”
“Yeah, I’ll do it.” Shikamaru wondered how he’d gotten talked into this again.