Make a list of 12 characters, from multiple fandoms or just one, and only then look behind the cut for the questions.
vibishan has been going on about this, so I found I couldn't resist doing it. I didn't really need to do more than one, except that I might actually want to write one and I really don't do/am not able to do crossovers hardly. One for Naruto (don't like the canon, love the fandom) and one for D.Gray-man (my current number one obsession, already written non-meme-related fics forthcoming), which really doesn't have a large enough cast to make this as easy as a show like Bleach or Naruto.
1. Haruno Sakura
2. Hyuuga Hinata
3. Hatake Kakashi
4. Uchiha Itachi
5. Jiraiya
6. Tsunade
7. Hoshigaki Kisame
8. Pein
9. Konan
10. Deidara
11. Tobi
12. Yakushi Kabuto
1. Road Kamelot
2. Tyki Mikk
3. Allen Walker
4. Linali Lee
5. Kanda Yu
6. Lavi
7. Miranda Lott
8. Cross Marian
9. Arystar Krory
10. Reever Wenhamm
11. Lero
12. Komui Lee
I give up. *Does another. Short one* Evidentially I was just kidding about getting to bed early.
1. Tsukino Usagi
2. Hino Rei
3. Kino Makoto
4. Tenou Haruka
5. Kaiou Michiru
6. Mizuno Ami
7. Kunzite
8. Zoisite
9. Jadeite
10. Nephrite
11. Aino Minako
12. Chiba Mamoru
Have you ever read a Six/Eleven (Tsunade/Tobi) fic? Do you want to?
No. I not even I could see that.
Have you ever read a Six/Eleven (Lavi/Lero) fic? Do you want to?
No. I'm not sure... interesting, though my brain is threatening to throw itself out the window at the love between a man and a talking umbrella.
Have you ever read a Six/Eleven (Mizuno Ami/Aino Minako) fic? Do you want to?
Yes. For itself: first season or PGSM Minako. For the Zoisite and Kunzite running off together, priceless.
Do you think Four (Uchiha Itachi) is hot? How hot?
Yes. I never had any particular interest in him, then I saw the first episode he was in in the anime and oh! He's so beautiful and I love his hair. I want to pet him.
Do you think Four (Linali Lee) is hot? How hot?
Yes, again. I think she's not horribly weak compared to the men around her or always needing rescued (too often, she still is a girl in an anime, after all). And I think she's a very attractive woman who needs so much more love than she get from fandom.
Do you think Four (Tenou Haruka) is hot? How hot?
In a butch lesbian way.
What would happen if Twelve (Yakushi Kabuto) got got Eight (Pein) pregnant?
I knew Kabuto hated the Akatsuki! If they ever did sleep together, that's what would happen and it would be hilarious crack of win.
What would happen if Twelve (Komui Lee) got got Eight (Cross Marian) pregnant?
I love that pairing, though I've never seen Komui top. That would make it even better and Allen and Linali would be all cute and Cross would be pissed off and omg him having to go without alcohol for months, the world would end, I love it.
What would happen if Twelve (Chiba Mamoru) got got Eight (Zoisite) pregnant?
It would be dub-verse and Kunz--I mean, Malachite would kill them. I can't say who first
Can you rec any fics about Nine (Konan)?
No. Hardly any exist and I've been looking since before she got a face, let alone a name. I'd say
silent_union is just about the only place out there with anything, and there's just getting started.
Can you rec any fics about Nine (Arystar Krory)?
No. I've never seen any. I saw a few links for Krory/Eliade once, but *tear* they didn't work.
Can you rec any fics about Nine (Jadeite)?
Eh, not particularly. Try December 2006 on
Would Two (Hyuuga Hinata) and Six (Tsunade) make a good couple?
Maybe. But it just wouldn't be very balanced a relationship, so I doubt it, even with their characterization evolving as the story went along.
Would Two (Tyki Mikk) and Six (Lavi) make a good couple?
There you have my OTP. With most Tyki pairings (and I have seen him paired with nearly every person on that list)/or just stories, it's non-con. With Lavi, I could actually believe in the physical possibility of them having a relationship.
Would Two (Hino Rei) and Six (Mizuno Ami) make a good couple?
Actually, yes. They could balance each other.
Five/Nine (Jiraiya/Konan) or Five/Ten (Jiraiya/Deidara)?
My immediate instinct is "look at her chest of course" Konan, but honestly, Jiraiya/Deidara would be wonderful and artistic and perverted all wrapped together, so 5/10.
Five/Nine (Kanda Yu/Arystar Krory) or Five/Ten (Kanda Yu/Reever Wenhamm)?
5/10. I don't know Reever's characterization well enough to really do him IC justice, but it would be nice if he weren't afraid of/intimidated by Kanda.
Five/Nine (Kaiou Michiru/Jadeite) or Five/Ten (Michiru/Nephrite)?
She's a cannon, author-admitted lesbian. Of the two, Nephrite. Their interaction would be so snappy.
What would happen if Seven (Hoshigaki Kisame) walked in on Two (Hyuuga Hinata) and Twelve (Yakushi Kabuto) having sex?
He would turn around and walk out, though he probably wouldn't need the eye acid. But Hinata/Kabuto I have seen and it did work.
What would happen if Seven (Miranda Lotto) walked in on Two (Tyki Mikk) and Twelve (Komui Lee) having sex?
She would be scarred for life and possibly just die on the spot. Though hopefully she wouldn't know who Tyki was, or I'd be sure it would be the latter.
What would happen if Seven (Kunzite) walked in on Two (Hino Rei) and Twelve (Chiba Mamoru) having sex?
Run off with Usagi.
Make up a summary for a Three/Ten (Hatake Kakashi/Deidara) fic.
Boom. Be amazed as the fight descends into porn, but doesn't stop being a fight, and I don't mean a dominance fight, I mean with explosions and knives.
Make up a summary for a Three/Ten (Allen Walker/Reever Wenhamm) fic.
When Allen breaks under pressure, he does it quietly enough that no one notices. Except the head of the Science division. Allen finds comfort in the arms and coffee machine fixing skills of Reever.
Make up a summary for a Three/Ten (Kino Makoto/Nephrite) fic.
They're Senshi/Shitennou cannon, even if I'm not a far of that. Two lonely touch guys meet over alcohol and sports, but then show their feminine sides.
Is there such thing as One/Eight (Haruno Sakura/Pein) fluff?
Yes, it exists. I've read it.
Is there such thing as One/Eight (Road Kamelot/Cross Marian) fluff?
Yes. Because it could be written as fluffy interaction gen, but I would not read it as an actual romantic pairing.
Is there such thing as One/Eight (Tsukino Usagi/Zoisite) fluff?
Yes. They go shopping.
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four (Uchiha Itachi) to deflower One (Haruno Sakura)?
Gee, almost every fic for the pairing. Usually at least one of them and usually both is thinking/talking about Sasuke at the time.
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four (Linali Lee) to deflower One (Road Kamelot)?
I wouldn't. The other way around, sure, though it would probably be non-con, but that direction, no, I can't even imagine it, let alone write it.
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four (Tenou Haruka) to deflower One (Tsukino Usagi)?
*Coughcannoncough* I would use the allure of fast cars and worldly, flirting crossdressers
Does anyone on your flist read Seven (Hoshigaki Kisame) slash?
I do.
Does anyone on your flist read Seven (Miranda Lotto) slash?
There is none. In existence. I might if there was, though I can't really see it as any dynamic that I would like.
Does anyone on your flist read Seven (Kunzite) slash?
Hell yeah.
Does anyone on your flist read Three (Hatake Kakashi) het?
I do, though not very often.
Does anyone on your flist read Three (Allen Walker) het?
I do, or I would if there was more of it. All Allen/Linali, because what else is there? I head-over-heels love Road/Allen, though, but I never find any.
Does anyone on your flist read Three (Kino Makoto) het?
Ehh... Oh, wait, Makoto/Motoki. It is turtle love.
Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (Tobi)?
I don't, though I wish I did.
Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (Reever Wenhamm)?
No, because he's any extremely minor character who rarely makes a cameo in the canon and is not some big fan favorite, so he shows up even less there. I was actually trying to write him in a story today, but I don't know his personality at all, so I was just making something up.
Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (Aino Minako)?
I do. I go for season one/PGSM her, though, not airhead her of later seasons.
Would anyone on your flist write a Two/Four/Five (Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Itachi/Jiraiya)?
I've seen all of them in individual pairings, but as a threesome? Not even I would...
Would anyone on your flist write a Two/Four/Five (Tyki Mikk/Linali Lee/Kanda Yu)?
That would be so hot and so sadistic and so hard to work out, though it would probably involve torture. I doubt the likelihood of it ever being written, though.
Would anyone on your flist write a Two/Four/Five (Hino Rei/Tenou Haruka/Kaiou Michiru)?
That would be... weird. But maybe it would work.
What might Five (Jiraiya) scream at a moment of great passion?
I don't know, because I don't read romance novels, but it would probably be something verbatim out of there.
What might Five (Kanda Yu) scream at a moment of great passion?
Either an insult or something embarrassingly random, I can't decide.
What might Five (Kaiou Michiru) scream at a moment of great passion?
I don't think she'd be much of a screamer.
If you wrote a songfic about Eight (Pein), which song would you choose?
Something about masochism and piercings, though I don't know any songs that fit, even thinking through some of my older, more teenagery playlists.
If you wrote a songfic about Eight (Cross Marian), which song would you choose?
"Gangster's Paradise" immediately occurs to me.
If you wrote a songfic about Eight (Zoisite), which song would you choose?
"I Feel like a Woman". I'm sorry, babe.
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve (Haruno Sakura/Tsunade/Yakushi Kabuto), what would the warnings be?
Misuse of medicine, blood play, probably some broken bones during sex
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve (Road Kamelot/Lavi/Komui), what would the warnings be?
I can't even imagine that scenario, but there would be graphic torture, since there's Road ♥.
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve (Tsukino Usagi/Mizuno Ami/Chiba Mamoru), what would the warnings be?
I can't imagine there being any. It would be pretty vanilla, even if it did happen.
What might a good pick-up line for Two (Hyuuga Hinata) to use on Ten (Deidara)?
Talking at all really is the most anyone can ask of her and she probably wouldn't. Blushing sweetly?
What might a good pick-up line for Two (Tyki Mikk) to use on Ten (Reever Wenhamm)?
"Are those papers heavy? I'll carry them the rest of the way, and you."
What might a good pick-up line for Two (Hino Rei) to use on Ten (Nephrite)?
"Take me for a spin in that car and I'll take you for a spin."
When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Jiraiya)?
A few days back. Ahh, sad.
When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Kanda Yu)?
Forty-five minutes ago, before I started this.
When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Kaiou Michiru)?
Something that I didn't write? It's been a few months.
What's Six's (Tsunade) super-sekrit kink?
I want to say violence, but that's really not secret. Maybe Jiraiya's awful, cheesy poetry.
What's Six's (Lavi) super-sekrit kink?
Using his perfect memory to construct sex scenes in his mind.
What's Six's (Mizuno Ami) super-sekrit kink?
Playing doctor.
Would Eleven (Tobi) shag Nine (Konan)? Drunk or sober?
No. If it were them, it would be her shagging him, but still, no.
Would Eleven (Lero) shag Nine (Arystar Krory)? Drunk or sober?
If the opportunity arose. I don't think umbrellas can get drunk.
Would Eleven (Aino Minako) shag Nine (Jadeite)? Drunk or sober?
Yes. No offense to her, but... it moves.
If Three (Hatake Kakashi) and Seven (Hoshigaki Kisame) get together, who tops?
Hard choice. Maybe Kisame, though Kakashi would be slightly more likely to die in the whole affair if so.
If Three (Allen Walker) and Seven (Miranda Lotto) get together, who tops?
Allen, though it would be sweet and gentle and fluffy, not that it would happen.
If Three (Kino Makoto) and Seven (Kunzite) get together, who tops?
Hard choice, again. I'd say Kunzite, but only on account of experience.
"One (Haruno Sakura) and Nine (Konan) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Konan) suddenly runs off with Four (Uchiha Itachi). One (Sakura), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Tobi) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Yakushi Kabuto), then follows the wise advice of Five (Jiraiya) and finds true love with Three (Hatake Kakashi)." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
Title: Naruto Retold: The Office Worker AU
Readers: ?
Writer: I'm tempted to say me, but probably not. It starts off well, but I'm not sure I could carry it through to the end without too much cheesy, even if I could write it
"One (Road Kamelot) and Nine (Arystar Krory) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Krory) suddenly runs off with Four (Linali Lee). One (Road), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Lero) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Komui Lee), then follows the wise advice of Five (Kanda Yu) and finds true love with Three (Allen Walker)." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
Title: Dear Diary
Readers: ?
Writer: The beginning set-up would be hard, but from there? It works, perfectly. Wonderfully. Me!
"One (Tsukino Usagi) and Nine (Jadeite) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Jadeite) suddenly runs off with Four (Tenou Haruka). One (Usagi), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Aino Minako) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Chiba Mamoru), then follows the wise advice of Five (Kaiou Michiru) and finds true love with Three (Kino Makoto)." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
Title: True Love Overcomes Denial
Readers: ?
Writer: Me. I was on and off as I read through, but yes, I think I could.