sm_monthly June 11 theme

Dec 23, 2010 17:14

I forget where now, but I once heard a comment that the difference between children and adults put in terms of that while I child might obey or rebel against rules, they never question the right of adults to impose them. I don't know if this is how I would frame it, but sometimes I think of that line.

Certainly, if I were to choose a single moment I 'became an adult', it was when I stood in the desert on the edge of death and realized the power and infinite potential of free will and that there is always a choice. If I have done things I haven't wanted to since (like, say, attend a meeting, ever), it is because I considered alternatives and possible consequences and decided to do so anyway. A good option available, not necessarily, but a choice, yes, always.

Title: Confirmation of Authority
Author: purplekitte
Theme: Pre-series--Homework
Genre: General
Version: Anime
Rating: PG

“Miss Tenoh? Miss Tenoh!”

Haruka blinked and languidly turned her still-glassy eyes away from the window. “What?”

“Where is your homework?”

“I didn’t do it.”

“You… It’s good that you’re honest, but this sort of delinquent behavior is going to keep you from getting into a good high school.”

“Mm.” She returned to the track circle visible behind the tennis courts out the window.

“Miss Tenoh! Go stand in the hall if you’re not going to listen.”

“Whatever.” She stood up so her teacher could no longer loom over her. “I’m going home.”

“Attendance is mandatory, you know. If you’re feeling sick, go to the nurse’s office.”

“Call the truancy officer if you want.” She swung her bag over her shoulder and went to get the sky overhead and walls not containing her. She wanted to run.

original characters, series: sailor moon, character: tenoh haruka, pairing: gen, rating: pg

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