sm_monthly July 7 theme

Aug 11, 2010 17:01

I'd sort of noticed people weren't writing for this (last) month's theme on sm_monthly because there were mod posts and polls on the subject, but I had hardly looked at the extent of it. Ohhh. Now that I've added three stories that puts the total up to five. For the whole month.

May wasn't great but was orders of magnitude better than July, but at least checking May and the activity on the mod posts makes me less worried the comm's just died and is about to be shut down. Hey, maybe there'll even be people only getting around to the theme at the last moment like me, though I doubt it. September then.

Title: A Cynical Love
Author: purplekitte
Medium: Fanfic
Theme: PGSM--image
Genre: Romance
Version: PGSM
Rating: PG-13

“You are beautiful. Have you never heard that before?”

Mercury wondered if Kunzite were mocking her, for of course she had not. Who would say such to such a dumpy, mousy person as she was, had been? She recognized too the flattery, which she had so often been contemptuous (her memory supplied) of her classmates for being wooed by. Likewise, she found in herself the schoolgirl’s vain, naïve hope: maybe if I sleep with him, he will love me.

What would be a proper response? Returned flattery? A cold acknowledgement or dismissal of his praise? She settled by removing her belt and dagger, an agreement that fighting was not likely in the near future even if not trust.

Kunzite was further along than that, and Mercury discovered nudity made her mousy self uncomfortable. She had known she would have to deal with such things as a doctor, but her experience with anatomy books and formaldehyde-scented small animals had involved thinking clinically about organisms with much less skin still attached.

Irrelevant. It was a way of showing ally-hood. It was pleasurable (she supposed). There was no reason not to. His body was physically attractive to her, and she could believe he felt likewise enough.

She slipped off her boots, shirt, skirt. It was odd the difference interested eyes made from changing into gym clothes or a bathhouse with other girls. He touched her side, her ribs, the edge of the curve of her breast, and she shivered.

“You are very beautiful,” he said again.

“Prove it.”

pairing: het, series: sailor moon, character: kunzite, rating: pg-13, character: mizuno ami

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