Title: Dinner and a Show
purplekitteTheme: Character-a-day--Darkury
Genre: Romance
Version: PGSM
Rating: PG
This nerdy schoolgirl’s closet was displeasing to her. Fuzzy sweaters and glasses. Might as well be tweed and tartan. Must she stay in her Sailor Mercury form all the time for lack of anything else to wear other than school uniforms?
“Must” was unacceptable if it interfered with what she wanted. “Kunzite-sama, we cannot go out until we have robbed a clothing store.”
“That sounds like a meal and entertainment already. Shall we go to Shinjuku?”
“That is acceptable.”
Ami would, a week later, express her distress at “the kind of clothes evil people will leave in one’s closet.” The black leather jackets, tight-lacing corsets, miniskirts, lacy garters, and thigh-high high-heeled boots got thrown out the window.