No, not
this version.
Title: Nice Costume
purplekitteTheme: Outer Senshi--Cosplay
Genre: General
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“Who are you going as for Halloween?”
“I’m a pumpkin.” Everyone gave Takashi a wide margin of avoidance just in case rather than figure out how literal he thought he was being.
“I’m going as Sarasa the Child of Destiny.”
“That’s so last year.”
“Who’s cool this year then?”
“Duh. I’m going as Sailor Mars.”
“I’m going as Sailor Moon,” said a chubby girl who was not flattered by her Mugen Academy uniform let alone a shorter one and would need a very long and blonde wig.
“I’m going as Sailor Uranus. She’s so cool. I’m even making… getting my little brother to carry a basket of flower petals to throw around me.”
“Who are you going as, Tomoe?”
“Sailor Saturn,” she said to fit in, looking at her shoes.
“Umm… doesn’t really fit,” her classmates agreed.
a/n: Technically I don't think I needed to write this. I could have just taken advantage of "sm_monthly accepts fanart now" to use my finally on the internet (because I think stalkers are an urban legend) cosplay pictures from the costume I spent all that time working on. But I'd written this already by the time it occured to me and am not so comfortable with submitting fanart and wanted to use it for this prompt anyway. But for the record: