Title: Black Fire
purplekitteTheme: Rei--Counterpart
Genre: General, Dark
Version: Manga
Rating: PG
“The people I work for could use someone like you. Someone who burns.”
“Then they might get burnt, new girl. Who are you working for?”
“That’s not the important part.” Kouan sauntered in a little too close. “They’ve noticed you.”
Is she trying to recruit me for the mafia? Rei wondered distantly.
“I’ve noticed you. You remind me of me.” She leaned close so Rei could practically smell the too strong perfume on her. “We’ve both seen the ashes of the end of worlds. We understand that eventually everything dies.”
Rei adjusted her Narcissistic a little? to Nihilistic. “You’re still trying to sell me with death?”
“Everything will die. With us you’ll get a better death.”
“I hardly think my charred corpse will care.”