Title: Chapstick
purplekitteTheme: Rei--Cherry
Genre: General
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“What’ve we got then? Orange, cherry, vanilla, blueberry, and lime.”
“I call the orange.” Minako snatched it up from their ill gotten gains.
“What do you think? Is vanilla too tame? Would Mamoru like lime better? Too sharp?”
“Shoplifting is wrong. We should be upholding love and justice.”
“Are you objecting, Ami-chan?”
“I’d have thought you’d have been opposed to it,” she noted to Rei.
“Not really.”
“I guess me neither.”
“I want the lime,” Makoto announced. “My senpai would have liked it. Any boy who gets turned off by it would have gotten scared off already.”
Rei reached for the pile of chapstick. “Better have saved me something red.”