Title: At Fault
purplekitteTheme: Inner Senshi--“Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.” - Bob Newhart
Genre: General, a bit towards Comedy
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“It’s always Haruka’s fault.”
“Is not.”
“Is too. Every time I die, it’s your fault.”
After a long pause and an extra swig of absurdly syrupy alcohol to cover up for it, Haruka shot back, “It’s Usagi’s fault.”
“By that logic everything is Usagi’s fault. Which is perfectly valid logic,” Setsuna admitted, “but wrong.”
“Every time I’ve died it’s Usagi’s fault,” Rei said for herself.
“Is it really her fault every time?” asked Ami. “I mean, that one time, in the arctic, it was Beryl’s fault we were there and Usagi just happened to not die too.”
“Everyone wants to kill her and we keep getting in the way.” Makoto passed Minako the popcorn.
“They want to kill us too for its own sake, just not as much.”
“See it’s our enemies’ fault and Usagi’s for existing.”
Hotaru bopped Haruka in the head with a teddy bear. “You killed me.”
“Yep, she’s right. You kill people yourself, it’s your fault.”
“That means you have to walk down the street to buy the next case of beer.”
Haruka looked at Michiru pleadingly. “Defend me.”
“I got the last one. Hurry back before Minako and Makoto get into a sword fighting argument without you and Hotaru starts tripping over words and steals your gummis.”
“Don’t touch anything till I’m back!” she yelled, pointing dramatically at the sky and sprinting out the door.