Title: Appearances
purplekitteTheme: Villains--Nightmare
Genre: Drama
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“Grow up.”
He sniffed. “You’d rather it have been an assassination attempt?”
“That’s what I almost mistook you for. Don’t come barging in here or I’ll kill you in my sleep.”
“Sorry.” He didn’t look sorry and he didn’t leave.
“Stop crawling to other people. Everyone will see and they’ll think you’re weak.”
“I’m useless to you if I’m weak then? Since I am?”
“I know what you are. You can’t survive on Nemesis; if people think they can kill you, they will.”
“And if I make them think I’m not worth the effort?”
“Then get smarter in constructing a façade than acting like a brat.”
“No one thinks anything of me already, younger prince or not. I’m an alchemist, magically useless, bookish, cowardly…”
“Too soft, too sensitive, too honest, too loyal, too whole-hearted,” Diamond listed, then pulled back his blankets. “Since you’re here you might as well stay until you can sleep. But don’t come to me again.”