Title: Willing Walk Downwards
purplekitteTheme: Guardian Senshi--Betrayal
Genre: Angst
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“I can’t believe this, Naru-chan. You let… you let them turn you into a youma of your own free will?”
“Believe it,” she snapped back at Sailor Moon. Admittedly her youma form wasn’t very pronounced, gold eyes and red hair with waves that could have been contacts, a dye job, and a perm as easily as dark magic. “Queen Beryl said she would let Nephrite and I be together if I fought for the Dark Kingdom. You won’t be getting those rainbow jewels back.” She shot Sailor Mercury a long look and then disappeared in a shower of gold sparks.
Ami ran over to catch Usagi as she started to cry. She had understood Naru’s message. I always resented you for being my best friend’s new friend and taking up all her time. But now I won’t be able to be there for her anymore so you’d darn well better. Ami wondered what she could ever be to this shattered girl that could be anything beside her oldest friend in the world’s betrayal.