Title: Sailor Earth
purplekitteTheme: If Only There Had Been a Sailor Earth
Genre: Romance
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
But she has to be one of us. Sailor V--I mean Sailor Venus--wore a mask too. Moon, Earth, Venus, Mercury, it all follows, right? Sailor Moon justified to herself. Sailor Venus doesn’t fight with us either but while she may gripe about her not even Rei would say she’s bad news.
She thought all this while she and Sailor Earth slowly leaned towards each other. The kiss made her forget everything: her mother’s worry about her disappearing all the time and her failing grades, her fights with Rei and Luna and annoying college student Chiba Mamori.
Usagi didn’t want to pull away in case the magic broke, so she put her arms around the mysterious, maybe-suspicious girl and breathed in her vanilla chap stick even after she stopped tasting it warm on her lips.
Sailor Earth fought the Dark Kingdom too, she just had to be one of them, right?