god am I bipoler or what

Nov 17, 2005 22:19

I have been so moody today. just grumpy and pissy and what not. I even turned down a visit from A. poor guy... I dont think he knew what to do with himself. I never say no to him. lol well its good for him to hear no every now and then. although he is moving for good on the 5th. oh well. but I got to talk to someone whom I havent heard from in SOO long tonight and it cheered me up a lot. I still feel like crap and am bitchy and grumpy and pissy as a hell but I am happy... I am so strange

I will call him E. lol I met E Via the internet over a year ago and we hit it off sooo well. we had so much in comon we are both LDS, although not really into the whole religon thing at the moment though not closed of to the church totally. which was the big selling point for me. I needed soemone to talk to that understood how I was feeling about church. we talked a bunch online and we got together to have dinner once. that was one of the most fun nights I had had in a long time, or since really. and one of the saddest. he told me that night how he was moving back home in a little more then a week. and it was finals week for both of us. we tried so hard to hang out again before he left but we could never work it out. I remember talking to him on the phone as I drove from pocatello towards twin falls. I was on my way to cali and he to his home and I was so sad. I had felt so good about being with him. I had liked him so much. it was so wierd. I have not felt like that since D. I havent wanted too. I hadnt found any one I wanted to feel that way about. and I could tell that had E and I had more time together, I could have loved him, easily. we talked online a bit for a while but it was so hard with his school shedule and my work. and then I acedently deleted his screenname of MSN! I was sooo sad. and I couldnt remeber his email to put it back on.

well tonight when I got home from work I went to bed almost imeditly. I just had no energy for anything but that. I woke up about an hour ago and thought I would watch ER as NBC is one of the few chanels I can get over the antana. and as I am watching I get a friend request on MSN from some one named E. I thought, no way its him. but it WAS!! we talked and he told me he might be moving back in augest (well to SLC) and that he had missed me and well everything that was there when he left was still there. and just the thought of maybe getting to see him again makes me so happy. we made sure that each other had the others phone number this time and what not and promised to be better about keeping in touch. we talked about how nice it would be for him to get accepted into Law school down in SLC. he asked what I would get his as a comming back present. lol lets just say he was damn happy with what I told him. I really liked E and I am happy that I get to talk to him again. I hope so much that he actually gets into the U down in SLC. I wouldnt care about the 3 hour drive. I would visit him as much as he wanted and I could afford. hell I would freeking commute to work if I had to just to see him. thats how much... anyways... good night :)

drained but hopeful

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