May 12, 2011 10:24
Hey y'all!
Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to comment on my last post and send "get well" wishes. I'm 100% better now, but things have gotten even busier rather than settling down a bit. Summer classes are hella intense. It would be really nice if I could just recycle my syllabus but it's totally ridiculous to expect these students to read more than about 50-60 pages a night. They do have other classes, and none of them are Lit majors.
It looks like a pretty promising class, though. I'm crossing my fingers still. Today is the first day we start discussion on an actual novel \o/
Other than that, I fear I've just been boring. I've been trying to keep my housemate from having a breakdown with all her jobs and no clear prospects for getting to write on her dissertation soon (this is a VERY. BAD. THING).
She had a complete meltdown Monday, accompanied by tears, the "why ME?" syndrome and various levels of fit pitching. She got so bad she couldn't distinguish what was critical to get done that day and what she had more time on. So I drag myself out to the kitchen and force her to give me a verbal list of crap that has to get done, then make her a schedule and sit with her half the damn day while she does her work. When I went back to my office to do some stuff on my computer, I came back and she was taking a nap. *headdesk* I thought we were going to be housemates--I didn't realize I was going to have to look after her like a child.
I think she knew she finally pushed it too far last night, though. I'm supposed to clean the kitchen and bathroom but I can't because she needs to pick up all her stuff in there first. I'm not doing her sinkful of dishes so that I can then scrub the sink. Anyway, I asked if we could have a mini-spring clean tomorrow. She clearly doesn't like that idea because she wants to go running over to her boyfriend's house the minute she finishes work (despite the fact that he won't be there until 10 *rolls eyes*). She did not react well, but I stood my ground, then I went to my room to call my mum and vent a little. She either realized that what I said made sense, or she overheard my conversation, because 85% of the dishes were done when I got up this morning. Maybe she just thinks that means that I'll clean the entire rest of the house. *snort* fat chance...I've got to come up with lesson plans for the next week and write something on my own dissertation
In other news, I can't remember if I've mentioned it here or not, but Alan Rickman is going to be starring in The Gambit with Colin Firth \o/ This offering pleases Birdie.
On the other hand, Johnny Depp wants to star as Nick Charles in a re-make of The Thin Man that's sort of re-envisioned like the BBC Sherlock. They want Rachel Weisz to be Nora. The director would be the guy who directed the 3rd Pirates film. I am not a happy Birdie about this one. There is a potential it could be good; there is a much greater chance it could be OBNOXIOUSLY bad. *sigh* ya win some, ya lose some.