Apr 27, 2011 10:17
Hey y'all.
It seems like all I'm doing here lately is popping on to apologize for not popping on.
Let me once again assure you that it's not for lack of thinking about y'all. I just seem to go brain dead after work, and for some reason I've started to think of "updating" as a big task. So I'm going to try something new. Every day for the next 20 days, I'm going to post. It may be something small, but I really miss being in touch with all y'all here and I don't want to disappear.
Chances are, I'll just be posting a couple of lines, especially since it's coming up on end of term and I'm overwhelmed by grading, but I'm also going to try to keep my posts positive. 'Cause, ya know, I actually have a pretty good life, and I certainly have wonderful friends.
Today's post is from a student. I participated (and gave my class the option-- for extra credit-- to participate) in Poem in Your Pocket day. I chose a poem for each student based on their proficiency levels and interests. To get the bonus points, they had to share the poem with someone else and write a brief discussion of the experience.
This student was given "Back Yard" by Carl Sandburg and his "sharing" experience cracked me up. He writes:
"I shared this poem with my roommates Thursday night before we went out to the bars. [Weekends here begin on Thursday and there is lots of binge drinking, sadly] We got a keg the previous night so we were drinking from it all Thursday afternoon and at one moment I saw my folder for the class and decided that it was a good opportunity for me to read the poem. My roommates were playing a drinking game so I just went up to them and started reciting the poem. The four of them just stopped, stared, and listened to me finish and once I was done I just went back to the room and all they were saying was 'What the f*** was that about?'"
Oh, my little darlin's! Hehehehehehe