The calm after the crazies

Oct 18, 2010 09:57

I didn't think that October would be so busy.  The month started with Wayne's mom's birthday and the trip out to dinner where his brother and sister-in-law ignored us.  It was quiet for a couple days before my niece's birthday party at a McDonald's in New Jersey that turned out to be really dirty and inefficient.  The kids had a good time though!

An old collge buddy, redqueenmeg  was in PA for few days and came over to the house.  She hit massive traffic on the way out and got lost.  I was so glad to see her but felt horrible about the drive.

On the 8th, I took Joey and met a friend at a local orchard/farm store where I got a nasty bee sting between the fingers on my right hand.  I forgot how much bee stings hurt!  My hand got all puffy and swollen.  I am so glad that I was the one who got stung and not Joey or my friend's son, Bryce.

We had a quiet weekend and used the Columbus holiday to go to Cherry Crest Farm.  Wayne and I took Andy and Joey and met my friend Meg there, with her two boys.  The kids got to do all sorts of fun fall stuff (photos to come!) and then Wayne's birthday was on the 12th.  He took the day off and Andy was off from school for an in-service day.  We had a quiet day relaxing at home and then went to dinner at Shady Maple.  This time we let the boys come with us up to the buffet and Andy enjoyed his meal much more, I think, for being able to see what they have and make choices himself.  It was pretty cool, to me at least, that Tuesday is seafood night and there was sooo much yummy stuff from the ocean.  I totally gorged.  After dinner, it was Wayne's night to take Andy to Cub Scouts.

On Thursday, in the rain, we had our engagement portraits taken by Rachael Michael of Metropolitan Images.  I had this whole black and red color scheme in my mind and literally went crazy shopping all morning looking for a red sweater to wear.  I went to Target, Walmart, Lane Bryant, Marshall's, Ross, Dress Barn and finally found what I was looking for at Sears, in the maternity section.  Even still, they didn't have the size I needed but I bought it anyway.  When I got home, I tried it on and pulled at it a little to stretch it out a bit and ended up ripping the seam.  Hopefully, it doesn't show and if it did, that Raye photoshops it out!

On Saturday, Wayne's mom came out for dinner.  The morning was filled with the crazy cleaning you do when company comes over.  We had a nice afternoon with her and I ended up giving her my old Cricut.  She was so excited.  Apparently she's wanted one but didn't want to spend the money because she's unemployed.  I can totally understand that!  I also loaned her a couple of cartridges to play with.

Yesterday I went out to Steve's to pick up the boys.  When I got home, Andy went into the Chicago bathroom and barfed all over.  The Falcons lost, badly, to the Philly Eagles.  Nathan was being a total pain in the butt and threw a Matchbox car at his sister's eye.  Dinner wasn't ready in time so I ended up giving Wayne's kids a quick grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup dinner before they went back to their mom's house.  My boys had noodles with butter because I was worried about Andy's stomach and then Wayne and I had pot roast sandwiches at 9 o'clock which resulted in me being up most of the night with heartburn.

Oh, and we watched Drag Me to Hell on the DVR and it was totally a Sam Raimi film but it kinda sucked.


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