It's Spring Cleaning Time!

Mar 22, 2010 10:49

I am in high gear!  Since Wayne went back to work, I've been getting things accomplished and spending more quality time with my little guy.

Last week, I painted the back of my desk in an effort to make it brighter.  It didn't work, the color I picked is too close to the color of the wood, so I think I may white wash over it with a warm white-- something with a little pinkishness to it. In the process of clearing off my desk for the paining, I threw away a full kitchen trash bag of garbage that was sitting around: papers from Andy's school, junk mail, old notes to myself.  It was incredible.  I'm trying to be neater.  I'm reorganizing things, moving things around, trying to tie things together.   My ext big project is to sand/stain/finish this unfinished wood cabinet that's been serving as a pantry in the garage.  I'm going to put it in the living room next to the kids computer to add some height and interest to that wall.  To do so, I need to move the kids portraits that are hanging there.  I think I'm going to put them under the shelves in my living room or above my secretary.  Then above the cabinet (which is maybe 4 feet tall, I think, I'll either hang or lean this dark-stained bamboo mirror that I found on clearance at Target awhile ago.  It's been living in the garage, still in it's packaging, waiting for me to build a tiki bar in my basement.  I also have these awesome antique keys I want to hang somewhere.  I fell in love with them on a blog I read and had to have them.  I just don't know where to put them.

Instead, I have other plans for my currently unfinished basement.  I'm not going to "finish" it because installing drywall and flooring is a little too much for a house we don't own, but step 1 will be painting the concrete with moisture lock paint.  Then I'll be moving some furniture and lighting around down there to build a craft room for myself in the small part of the basement.  (If it were neater down there right now, I'd go take 'before' photos!)  The kids generally use the basement as a run around play area.  We actually have some swings hung down there.  This project is definitely a low-cost venture so I'm hoping the most expensive part will be the paint and time investment.  Most of everything else will be a re-purpose or a discount/thrift buy.  I'm just so excited about the prospect of having a space where I can be creative and not have to clean up after myself every single time.

There are a number of smaller projects too.

I started making a tee shirt for Eclipse in June.  I think I'm going to a midnight screening with some of my girlfriends so we're going to totally go all out dorky.

I want to empty out my kitchen cabinets and clean them.  I'm sure there's stuff at the backs that need to be thrown away and there's spillage that needs vacuuming.  I had a canister of oats fall over at one point and I thought I cleaned it up but I keep finding oats stuck to things.

I need to spray paint the Sorceror's Apprentice Mickey Mouse that lives on my lawn.  His previous paint has chipped off.

I really should put some kind of plants or flowers or something on my front porch.  It's kind of boring out there.  I am happy to note that the rose bush I planted out front last year is still alive and budding.

So yeah, just personalizing things in the house more.  Even though it's warm and lived in, I still don't get that cozy cozy feeling I want and I need more places to hide our cluttery crap.  


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