Why People Care about the Palin Circus

Sep 03, 2008 08:44

My long-time, dear friend, sweetjezebel  commented on my last post asking why someone like me is interested in the garbage surrounding Sarah Palin.  We disagree politically so when something political comes up, I always think of her and try to see things from her perspective.  Without knowing it, she really makes me examine my thoughts and gut reactions to ( Read more... )


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sweetjezebel September 4 2008, 08:09:51 UTC
Again, I'm a one question pony (my brain still isn't functioning on all cylinders quite yet)... Do we ever have concrete PROOF that the kids myspace/facebook pages were NOT checked? Again, I will state that it has no relevance to the candidate themselves what the child does (hell, if it did then when they look at my stepsons or drug addict cousins page I'll be SCREWED!) but I am curious to know whether they were definitely NOT looked at. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Perhaps they just didn't CARE becaue it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things in a state where the age of consent is I think... 15 or 16?

And now I'm all tired out :) I will come back for more. I will say I enjoyed your thoughts and your kind words to me in the first paragraph. I'm happy we've managed to maintain our friendship through this election thus far :)


purplejuli September 4 2008, 12:12:11 UTC
McCain's campaign people didn't even bother to check the archives of Wasilla's newspaper, nor did they pull an FBI file on her. I'm pretty sure they didn't check Bristol & Levi's myspace pages ( ... )


sweetjezebel September 4 2008, 20:11:02 UTC
You have NO criticisms for Obama at ALL? Honestly??? I find that hard to believe. And who cares how long he took or why he did it... he's not even a candidate you're considering so leave all that to US to worry about.

Here's something I wonder... would you ever be happy with ANY Republican? Or would you always think they're "up to something" and "evil" and have bad intentions? Geez... I think you would have found fault with Ronald Reagan if you'd be of voting age in the early 80's!!! (and that man was/is a GOD, so there's nothing you can say to change my mind THERE!!!)


purplejuli September 4 2008, 20:27:03 UTC
Not really, no. He wasn't me preference for the dem ticket-- I like Edwards, affair and all, but he represents the same ideals and values I have. A strong middle class. Preserving Roe v. Wade. Getting us off oil. Protecting the environment. Getting the hell out of Iraq. Diplomacy with the world ( ... )


sweetjezebel September 4 2008, 22:39:30 UTC
So when one of your parents is 72 you'll be expecting them to die? Is that what you're saying? I mean, Brent's grandfather has had multiple strokes, a heart attack and skin cancer. He's 98!!!!! 72 is a walk in the park when you're that age ( ... )


purplejuli September 5 2008, 00:45:41 UTC
My parents aren't in the best of health right now so I wouldn't be shocked if one of them passed away sometime soon.

The reason I feel so strongly about abortion rights at 32 is because at 22 I had one. It was the worst time in my life. It was the hardest decision I have ever made. I don't regret it at all. I feel bad that I don't feel worse about it. But I hope there's never a day where a 22-year-old woman finds herself in the same place I was and her only options are to have a baby she doesn't want and isn't ready for or to allow someone to do something gruesome to her body because safe, legal abortions are illegal. I believe in protecting the liberties of future generations of women, not just my own.


purplejuli September 4 2008, 20:35:58 UTC
One other thing. It's not that it took him "so long" to vet Palin. His people spent months vetting the other candidates for VP-- Pawlenty, Ridge and Romney.

That the FBI wasn't contacted, that the local paper in Wasilla wasn't contacted, that the town records in Wasilla weren't gathered says that this selection was the result of a rash decision.

We can't have someone who makes rash decisions that affect lives all over the world in the White House, in control.


sweetjezebel September 4 2008, 22:47:36 UTC
YOUR side says all this wasn't done. Not ours. You believe everything you read when it comes to your side but yet, believe things like Bush is guilty of war crimes (which I don't care if he is or not, he's doing what needs to be done ( ... )


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