Aerogarden progress

Mar 05, 2008 09:53

I've been taking photos of my little Aerogarden to monitor it's progress.  It's still recovering from Godzilla's Joey's attack on it's adorable little stalks a couple of weeks ago.  We lost one herb entirely (the dill) but it seems like the chives, purple basil and thyme are going to recover.  The Italian basil is going crazy- it's the tallest plant in the bunch.

Feb 13, right after the planting

Feb 13, close up of the seed cups

February 20, one week later.  Look at my sprouts!!!

Feb 20, close up sprouts

Feb 20, close up sprouts.  Parsley had not yet sprouted, so she was still wearing her little dome hat.

This week's photos will be done tomorrow.  :)


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