3,379 / 50,000
Howdy! Another Saturday, another 5k Challenge, this one for AugNo. I'm planning on doing closer to 7k, as my daily wordcount goal is 3334, double that of the standard WriMo.
It's sort of wierd, doing a WriMo without a central project. Part of what is on the meter is the tail end of my JulNo, and about 3k is a Study for Eva, my new D&D character. There is some confusion over whether or not the group will be gaming tonight- our DM wants to pick up another player. Jess is very, very new to RPGs, but she's brill with the 'role' part. I just want to pick her up and squeeze her, she's so awesome.
In Naval News, Chief is easily frazzled. I'm going to try calling him very early on Monday and see if he wants me to come to the office. It's never struck me as very hard to dial a phone. Why, then can he not just ring me up when he needs my help? I don't have class or a job. I'm totally flexible and always at home, with the exception of Fridays which I must have told him a thousand times. So why, when he needed aomeone to assemble, sort, edit, and certify his paperwork for the last two weeks, did he not just pick up the damn phone?
In Army news, Hunter came home early from his active duty stretch. My long time readers will recall that he also left early, and with about ten minutes warning both times. I'm a member of, and supporter of, the United States military. But even I have a hard time thinking of something more ridiculous than the Army at just this moment.
Also, as a personal note, wisdom teeth still fucking hurt. Add a secondary infection and you have one cranky Pip on your hands.