Title: Poisoned Cupcakes
Disclaimer: Actually, I do own them. Sweet!
Rating: R (Implied Rape, Assault)
Word Count: 1400
Verse: Fucked Up Fairy Tales
Story Note: As part of the Augno That Never Was, I scattered unrelated reimaginings of fairy tales. They weren't so much contributions to the story as forays into the part of my mind that has a Doberman and a very large freezer.
Summary: Snow White takes a turn for the worse.
Once Upon A Time
The lights flashed. The crowd danced. The band played. The drinks flowed. Sade stood with her friends, lounging against the wall. Her skirt was too short, and she pulled at it. Her friends had painted her lips cherry red, and laughed when she said her mother wouldn't let her out of the house looking like that.
"No wonder you can't get a guy," they said, "Still need Mommy to say it's okay! Has Mommy's little girl even gotten kissed?"
Sade had blushed, and the other girls had laughed harder, and grabbed at her. They were gleefully rough as they sported, and Sade had scampered away until their laughter had left them splayed across the bed holding their ribs.
"She's not my real Mom," Sade had whispered to the wall, the universal confidante of the shy and the tormented. The other girls didn't hear or didn't care. They wrapped her in clothes that hid nothing, and painted her face like a certain type of sad clown usually seen on street corners, and balanced her unsteadily on top of a pair of shoes too small with heels sharp as ice.
Sade looked at the door to her parent's room, and thought about the belt, but she said nothing. Sade was good at saying nothing.
Now her phone chirps, and Sade glances at the glowing screen in the colored lights. It says 'Mom', but it means 'Brenda', and that means 'Closet', which makes her insides quiver paainfully.
"Guys-" Sade says, and they cut her off quickly.
"Here, have a Coke," they say, and she sips, but one of them grabbs the bottom of the cup and the others yell
"Chug! Chug!"
So Sade swallows frantically and twists to keep the dribbling soda off the shirt that isn't hers. The girls cheer when she pulls away gasping, and the empty cup clatters on the floor.
"Go dance," one of them says.
"But-" Sade says, and they push her onto the floor. Sade is dizzy now, and the room is unbearably hot, despite how little she's wearing. People are all around her, wiggling and jumping and singing and swaying and pressing close. Then someone grabs her hand and pulls, and Sade lets herself be pulled. The person's hand is cool on her wrist, and they lead her through the crowd and through a door. It is cold outside, and Sade shivers. She looks for her friend, but the person holding her arm is a boy. She doesn't think she knows him, but the world is sort of sloshing around her.
"You're Tina's friend, right?" he askes, and Sade nods. It is Tina's skirt she is wearing, and she feels a sudden urge to tell him this.
"Well, I'm Tina's friend, too. Do you remember me?" Sade squints, but she can't see his face very well. It is a bit like looking through a rain streaked window. She shakes her head.
"Well, you can call me Doc. I'm gonna take you home now, Sade. Me and my friends. That's real nice, isn't it?" Sade frowns, as Doc leads her down the sidewalk. She wants to ask something, but she can't really figure out what it is. They stop in front of a van, and the door opens. There is a boy leaning out the door, with a pirahna's smile.
"Hey, man! Got the meat?" he asks, and Doc punches his shoulder.
"Shut it, you dope!" he says, and picks Sade up to put her in the van. It's dark in there, and Doc closes the door behind her. She hears another door open and close, and then the van moves. Something touches her leg, but Sade can't seem to move. Or see. She melts into the floor of the van, blind, deaf, and dumb. Her heart hammers, but she doesn't know why. She hears a zipper from far away, and watches the lights pouring through the windshield. Something hurts, but she can't figure out what. It doesn't hurt much, and the thoughts slip away from her like ice chips skidding across the hood of a car in the August sunshine. There are several voices, and she tries to count them. She thinks there are six, but when she counts against it seems like eight. She isn't sure.
The van stops.
"Aww, come on, Doc!"
"Hurry it up, man. You snooze, you lose," Doc says, philosophically. Then the door is open, and Doc is grabbing hold of her ankles and dragging her out of the van. Sade recognises the street. She wants to thank him for taking her home, because she's feeling sick and sort of like she's made of warm Jello, plus she's hurt her leg or something cause it hurts to stand. Doc leans her against the door to the awkward little house and looks her up and down. He shakes his head.
"Pro tip," he says, "Stop hanging out with Tina." Then he leaves, and Sade fumbles with the keys until the door opens and Brenda (Call her 'Mom', always call her 'Mom') is standing there.
"Hi," Sade says, holding onto the door knob very tightly. Brenda looks her up and down. Her nose wrinkles.
"If you're going to sneak out so you can slut it around, you could at least wipe off the jizz. And get your panties off your ankle." Sade looks down, and discovers her panties are, in fact, around her left ankle like some kind of wierd jewelry. There's something on her leg, but she doesn't know what it is. She blinks at Brenda (Mom), uncomprehending. Her face is getting red.
Brenda grabs Sade's hair and drags her into the kitchen. Sade tries to yell, but it just comes out as a kind of babbling whine. Brenda throws her on the floor, and Sade tries to put her knees on her forehead. There isn't so much to get hit, when you're like that. But the vague pain gets sharp when she moves, and her legs won't coopperate. Brenda is getting something out of the cuboard under the sink. When she stands up, she is holding a bright blue bottle.
"Dirty little whore," she says, and Sade doesn't understand. She didn't do anything like that, she knows better, she wants to say, but Brenda pours whatever is in the bottle onto her skin and Sade screams. Brenda grabs her face and sticks the mouth of the bottle in Sade's mouth. She tips the end up, and Sade chugs again. She tries to scream, but Brenda shoves the sputtering bottle deeper. Then the bottle is empty, and the bottle is gone. Brenda grabs Sade's hair again, and drags her across the floor. She throws her out the back door into the alley, and closes the door.
The moon is full. Time passes. Sade doesn't know how much.
A dog comes by, and sniffs at her. It leaves.
Sade hears the sound of feet. The sun is just starting to peek over the horizon, and she cranes her neck. She hurts, but she can't move. She just lays there, covered in blood and jizz and puke. The feet slow down, then speed up. They are wearing white high heels, and hands touch her face. Sade looks up, and there is a woman there. She has short, curly blonde hair and is biting her lip. She looks up and down the alley, and then at the sun. She opens her mouth, and Sade it abruptly gulped down by blackness.
When Sade wakes up, she remembers very little of what happened. She is laying on a bare mattress on the floor, and there is a guitar on the bed next to her. She looks around, and sees the woman from before. She opens her mouth, and no sound comes out.
"Sorry," the woman says, "But I'm not really much good with miracles. Sorry about the face, too." Sade wants to ask her what that means, but the woman is handing her a brown paper bag and a crayon. "Whats your name, new buddy?"
S-A-D-E, she scrawls. There are bruises on her arms, she discovers. She doesn't know how they got there. The woman nods, and holds out her hand. The nails are painted the crisp white color of an altar boy's robe.
"I'm Lucy," she says, and
And They Lived Happily Ever After. The End.