Sweet sweet procrastination

Dec 03, 2006 23:38

I failed miserably at this weekend in accomplishing my meager goals for school

My housemate, Janani, preformed in an Indian dance show last Friday. Like a good housemate, I headed out to support her. The show was a mixture of exceptional authentic Indian dancing (such as Janani’s dance), many goofy but entertaining Bollywood skits, and several undergraduate performances that were so awkward and terrible that I can only hope that someone took the poor kids out back and shot them afterwards. At the end Janani was kind enough to teach Zach and I a few moves of our own

Afterwards we had a strong glow of cultural enlightenment about us. However, this did not stop the New Girls and I from giggling scandalously at a mural of a 1930’s chap who appeared to be casually copping a feel on a period authentic transvestite.

Latter we ventured over to 34th street to see the yearly Xmas house decorations. The neon blinking lights, oversized blowup snowmen, and Disney nativity scenes poured out of the yards, filling the streets (and our hearts) with Xmas spirit. The highlights o the ordeal were the sleigh that was pulled by Baltimore crabs, the hubcap Xmas tree, the bike wheel snowmen, and a house that was so decked out with “world peace” propaganda that made me smile and think of my father.

The next day Anjie and I went to dinner and a play to see her friend perform. It reminded me quite a bit of the comedy shows I would go to back in the Bay… lots of wacky skits. My favorite was when a Frenchman read the back of a shampoo bottle to sexy French music.

Then it was off to House #1’s Xmas party where the Disease Prevention and Control boyz ruled supreme…

My Calvin and Hobbes book was a hit at the gift exchange. The rules allowed for three trades. It was traded four times, breaking the physical laws of the Secret Santa!

Followed by party merriment…

An Anjie who was not a fan of getting her picture take,

One drink with Sorrel ~~~~

And what is a party with out a contest of strength. I took it up a notch with Robyn.

And finally a lovely (but cold) 5 mile walk with Anjie along the Baltimorian coast this after noon.

Why study for midterms when there is so much else to do?
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