(no subject)

Dec 04, 2007 10:40

Alright, I am starting to feel so much better. From a list that was a mile long in the beginning of the semester, now all I have left is a paper for strategic and to put together my marketing plan, which is done but is completely unorganized. Dr. Khaleghi took over our class for strategic and asked for everyones cooperation to get the presentations done. I was not prepared at all for mine but I went up there any ways and presented last night. My power point was not even completely done so before I even presented I had to go through and delete the unfinished slides. I am not joking when I say that I completely winged that presentation, I did not have any note cards and to be honest I had not even looked at that power point in over a week. Ugh...all that matters is that I got the stupid thing out of the way, my last presentation of my undergrad career lol.

Monday is finals and then after that nothing!!!! Mikey and Jason are flying in next week, I can not fricken wait to see that girl. These next few weeks should be a lot of fun and then after that I can join the ranks of the working. Its about damn time that I make some money and realize a return on investment.
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