Aug 27, 2007 19:24
So today was not a good day. I kind of broke down and made myself look like a fool. I am so grateful for Dolores though, I never thought that she would become such a great friend in my life, she is the closest thing that I have to another Mikey...positive and insanely (almost sickly) dedicated. we were supposed to meet today after 12:15pm to make some contacts for the business club and attempt to line up some guest speakers. Dolores started asking me how things have been going and I just started bawling my eyes out like a fricken 1st grader. Once I started I could not stop and even though I felt like a freak for crying and acting like a baby it was nice to just let it all out. As usual she was so supportive and did not treat me like a moron at all for my sudden outburst. We ended up leaving campus and going to starbucks around the time I was supposed to be back at the business office, but it was better that way since I was in no shape to be productive in anyway. After a few minutes of complaining and feeling sorry for myself we started talking about all the positive things in life and even though that may seem happy hippie it really worked to clear my mind of all that negative energy.
Angies list of happiness to remind her not to be such a sour puss
-living on a beautiful island
-island clouds and a trade wind breeze
-being blessed with an absolutely wonderful marriage and a husband who supports me unconditionally.
-having supportive instructors who take personal concern and interest in my success
-UHWO and the ohana atmosphere
-all of my wonderful friends , both local, military and mainland who are always there for me even when shit gos down
-our success with the business club
-island music (def brings a smile to my face)
-the FACT that I WILL graduate this December
-and so much more!!!
Negativity is not good, it gets you feeling sorry for yourself and brings on the dreaded depression which infects your very soul. I need to realize just all the positive that surrounds me and even if I am not completely at ease, I need to appreciate this journey for what it is. I know I sound beyond happy hippie but this is what has got me this far, I need to keep it going if I am to make it through this challenge.
Number one positivity for the week: I pretty much quite the business office. After my break down I went back to the business office and told Teri that things were not working out and that I was overwhelmed. I said that I would like to put in my two weeks but was suckered into coming in during the mornings on Mon and Wends until they could find someone else. I said yes because 3-4 is better than 15 on top of the 35 that I will be putting in for Enterprise. Another really positive thing that came out of this day is that Dr. Choy said that after we put in our 120 hours at our practicum site we can completely stop all contact with him and can be pretty much be pau for the class other than our paper and presentation. I should be able to put 120 hours in, in less than 5 weeks, which means that by the end of sept begining of Nov I will be pretty much done with my practicum class, hell I can even quite Enterprise if I want too (I am pretty sure that I wont though).
So overall the lesson of this blog is that getting stressed out and frazzeled after only the first week of the semester is NOT A GOOD THING AT ALL!!!!! I can not stress that enough. Hopefully I can get back into my normal mind set of taking over the world j/k and get through all that I need to get accomplished (both successfully and enthusiastically).