Attn: Econ Majors

Sep 09, 2007 20:06

Lemme tell you about my economics class.

I love Macalester, but Econ here isn't Econ in Uetz's class. An excerpt from the first chapter:
"Another trade-off society faces is between efficiency and equity. Efficiency means that society is getting the maximum benefits from its scarce resources. Equity means that those benefits are distributed evenly ( Read more... )

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thelastvestige September 10 2007, 06:38:22 UTC
From my economics textbook ("Principles of Economy" --Prepared for Brandeis University):

"Another trade-off society faces is between efficiency and equity. Efficiency means that society is getting the maximum benefits from its scarce resources. Equity means that those beneftis are distriuted fairly..."
you get the point. It's exactly the same text for a while.

Then it talks about rational people and such.

Economic principle #4: People respond to incentives
Economic principle #6: Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity. "One of our goals in this books is to understand how this invisible hand works its magic. As you study economics, you will learn that prcies are the instrument with which the invisible hand directs ecoomic activity...smith's great insight was that pricies adjust to guide these individual buyers and sellers to reach outcomes that, in many cases, maximize the welfar of scoeity as a whole...When the governemtn prevents prices from adjusting naturally to supply and demand, it impedes the invisible hand's ability to coordinate the millinos of households and firms that make up the economy...It also explains the even greater harm caused by policies that directly control prices, such as retnt control. And it explains the failure of communism."

"The fundamental relationship between productivity and standard of living is simple."

I also found interest in the LeBron James caption.

so basically we ahve the same textbook by Mankiw except that mine is modified slightly for Brandeis. So you've probably seen everything I just typed to you.
But yes, my book is full of question marks and ...s because sometimes there ar ecomments that I just don't understand why they are passed off as facts in a textbook.

k bye bye.


thelastvestige September 10 2007, 06:39:17 UTC
sorry, Principles of Economics, not Economy.
I typed so many things wrong in that comment


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