(no subject)

Sep 03, 2007 15:19

I am typing this outside under a tree. Ethan is reading his philosophy textbook next to me. From where I am sitting, I can see at least 5 or 6 obvious multi-cultural students also outside. I signed up for a meditation class today. This is college.

Allposters.com has a big $5 poster sale right now. No Requiem poster, but still some good ones. The problem is, I have next to no wall space in my room. I still need to get pictures of that and put them up, but I also am still not fully unpacked. Maybe I'll just do it in a bit.

Macalester. One of a handful of colleges where you can wear a tie as a belt, and nobody will bat an eyelash. I haven't been looking as ridiculous as I sometimes do, but nobody has commented. I'm just an indie kid.

Speaking of which, I like my orientation leader a lot. I'm not sure how I feel about my First Year Course-mates though. Supposedly I'll be doing a lot of bonding with them over the semester, but I really am not all that interested in any of them. I don't hate them or anything, I'm just not interested. And neither are they. I showed up for some orientation meeting yesterday five minutes late, and it was just me and the orientation leader for 2 minutes before anyone else showed up. After people did show up, there were only 8 of us, out of a total 16. A bit embarrassing. Today it was just me and one other guy who showed up for a scavenger hunt in the morning (morning activities prevent me from getting more than 5.5 hours of sleep). I can't blame the rest of the group for sleeping in (the scavenger hunt was at 9), but even so...
We combined with another group to do the scavenger hunt, basically a getting-to-know-where-stuff-is-on-campus activity. I just watched a girl turn her bike upside down on the grass, and it appears that she is going to try to fix it or something now. Instead of doing the whole scavenger hunt, we went to a couple places we already knew about and then went to an independent used CD store. SO MUCH INDIE! I talked indie music with my orientation leader and another guy, and then we went to a gas station next door called SUPERAMERICA to buy a lotto ticket. The concept of a gas station called "SUPERAMERICA" was hilarious to all. It's like America, only super, and made of pure material freedom.
My orientation leader may have two floor tickets to the Arcade Fire concert on Sept. 30. They're sold out, and all the other tickets for worse seats are upwards of $60. He said he'd sell them to me for $50 each (what he bought them for) if I'm interested. I think I'll at least get one for Ethan, but don't tell him. He REALLY wants to go.
A guy just wheeled by in front f me on a wheelchair. MULTICULTURALISM, INTERNATIONALISM, ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, SERVICE.
I am going to try to get some tickets to The Hold Steady show on Nov. 1.
I'm sorry this entry wasn't better. I meant for it to be, but then I got distracted with looking for tickets.
By the way, it looks now like that girl was packing up her bike and putting plastic and stuff all over it rather than fixing it. Who knows. College.
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