Another one of those memes......

Jun 13, 2007 21:00

Now there's no sound on my laptop.0.o *sigh*

Anyways, here's another meme.  I know we probably did the username thing before but this is a little different.

Stolen from thesoundofblue:

1. My username is _____ because ____.
"purpleglitter1 because it's my fav color and I like glitter.

2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
None, just boring ole' Abby's Journal, lol.

3. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
Didn't name it.

4. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
Just put this one in but it's Jack and Jen makes great art.;)

I wish I had a paid account.:(*sigh*
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