I think I'm in trouble here

May 28, 2003 23:52

I've always known that I have a vivid imagination. This is getting a wee bit ridiculous however.

I had a pretty bad asthma attack yesterday followed by a migraine (this is, alarmingly, a typical pattern for me). While I was lying there praying for death (or the imitrex to work, whichever came first), I started hearing Jess in my head. I know it sounds crazy, especially when it wasn't that he was telling me a story or part of his story or whatever, he was kind of coaching me into a more meditative state. And it worked. That's what scares me.

Point the second. Jess has started talking again. He wants to tell the story of waking up. Nomi -- do you think this is a good idea? I can't figure out how he's going to do it, but he's made it clear that he wants to do it. Sigh.

And another new character showed up last night. And here's a stunner -- a girl. I know -- except for Kelly and Sarah, when is the last time I wrote a female character (I'm not counting the bit players in Colony at the moment, because that's what they've become).

Oh and I found a book today that I swear is one of the most brilliant things I think I've ever read: The Plot Thickens: 8 Ways to Bring Fiction to Life. Check it out -- seriously.
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