Nick Questionnaires #1 through #5

May 26, 2003 04:59

Nick showed up tonight -- more or less ready to talk. So, here are the first few:

Questionnaire #1 -- The Basics
1. Your Name Nick St. James

2. Your age 28

3. Describe yourself I'm a big man. I'm 6'5" tall and weigh 240 lbs - all muscle. I don't have flab, thank you. Brown eyes; shaved head; my skin is the color of coffee with milk.

4. Describe your mate (if applicable) I've just started seeing a guy. He's small; white; and cute.

5. Where (and when) do you live? I live in the Midwest in a college town.

6. What's your favourite sweet? (It is so a basic!) Cotton candy.

Questionnaire #2 -- Favourites
What is your favourite...

Season? Football season

Food? Hamburgers

Animal? I don't have time for animals.

Colour? Blue.

Time of day? Morning

Weapon? I'm not a thug. **We aren't suggesting that you are.** Then why are you asking about weapons? Only thugs carry weapons. I use my brain. **okay**.

Questionnaire #3 - Background
Tell us about...

Your place of birth. I was born in Montgomery, Alabama.

Your childhood. I had a typical childhood. I started football in the peewee leagues when I was 6. Played football all through school. Until I got too big, I ran track and played basketball. I still play some pick-up basketball, but track winds me too much.

Your parents. My mother is a schoolteacher. My father is a lawyer. I have a nice middle class family who keep me grounded.

Your siblings I have two brothers and two sisters. Mitchell is 35 and a lawyer like my father; they're partners. Sheila is 30 - she's married and has two kids. She works with handicapped children. Roger is 22 - he's just finished school, and is playing in the minor leagues. Katie is fourteen. Talk about a surprise. She's in school.

Your (current) home. I have a one bedroom apartment about two blocks from the college. It's sparse. I don't spend a lot of time there. I coach; when I'm not coaching, I'm planning. When I'm not planning I'm scouting. When I'm not scouting, I go home to see my family.

Your favourite "hang out". There's a bar I like to go to a couple of blocks from my apartment. But my favorite places are the weight room and the practice field.
Questionnaire #4 - Skills
Can you read? Yes.

Can you write? Yes.

Can you sing? Not a note - something about which my mother is quite disappointed.

Can you play an instrument? Nope.

What languages do you speak? English and football.

What weapons can you use? Again with the weapons? **there are people who use weapons, Nick.** I'm not one of them. **I know that, but just in case, I have to ask.** Just in case? **Well you know, in case you were holding out on me or something. You Alabama boys do like to hunt you know.** Not this Alabama boy.

Questionnaire #5 - Secrets
Are you good at keeping secrets about yourself? Absolutely.

What is your best kept secret? That I'm gay. No one, not even my parents know.

What is your worst kept secret? Technically, I don't have any, but at rookie camp I had to sing - everyone discovered that we would all be much better off if I was never asked to do that again.

Are you good at keeping secrets about others? Yes. Very good at it.

What secret about someone else have you kept and wish you hadn't? One of my college teammates was cheating on his wife, and I didn't say anything. She's now HIV+ -- I feel a lot of guilt about that.

What secret about someone else have you not kept and wish you had? When I was a rookie, I accidentally outed a guy from another team. He never played again after that season. Word got around the league quickly and people were seriously afraid of him. A lot of guys refused to step on the field if he was going to play, or they'd try to cause him significant injury and force him out of the game early. He was a good guy, and I never made that mistake again.
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