24.03.08: Speech Boredom

Mar 24, 2008 20:15

I hope I'm not the only one that likes to change their font format and colour every paragraph, but seriously, how does anyone stand typing plain, Arial black?? I find it very boring and disheartening, thus making it impossible for me to concentrate, because of it's sheer boringness. Besides, word looks plain anyways (another reason why I like word 2007 waaayy better. its much prettier). Now I must go back to my speech boredom before I'm even more screwed. Ta-ta


Okay I FINALLY finished my speech, and although it does suck and stink like crap, I finished, and that has to count for something right (*cough). Despite the fact that it's as retarded and too long as ever, screaming for revision and my Geography project still hasnt been touched, the fact that I finished should count for something right?


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