Dec 14, 2004 17:14
Muah, you may all rejoice in the return of the lovely if not psychotic Carla*applause* hehe well, I must say it feels hella good to be writing again for pleasure and not for the newspaper or creative writing assignments. Since my absence has been quite long I am now going to delight my faithlul reader(s) with a very lengthy entry woohoo!
okay so I thought I'd begin with why I was gone for so long.Well, lets see.. where to begin. Ah, yes I think I should begin with being grounded for uhm was it a one month or was it two? hmm, can't remember oh well after the grounding I was sent to the hospital for what I was told would only be a week and in all actuality I was there for more like a week and a half.. stupid fucking doctors anyhoo, after I returned I found that my broken chair had been removed and had been replaced with,well,air... I then had to go out and buy a new chair and then of course as soon as I tried to get online Joel graced me with one big shit load of drama that he felt my life just couldn't live without at the moment. Okay, so while I'm sure this all sounds like one big excuse after the other I really am sorry and whatnot and uhm Linds,Nauydia, and Alex since you guys come into contact with me on a regular basis and are actually the only ones that really read this sorry excuse for a journal I really am quite sorry for having to write such boring stuff... okay off to the drama protion on my life!
Alright once Joel returned from rehab around Thankstaking he decided to put on the role of the jealous boyfriend and during my hospital stay instead of being with me or working he felt he needed to pay a few visits to my male friends and tell them and I wuote "back the fuck off from Carla, she's mine and she doesn't want you if I see you touching her again I'll kick your ass" now I'm not sure how normal peoples lives operate and I don't really care but I'm really quite sure that when people return from a very long, very annoying hospital stay they do not wish to be confronted with phone messages from angry friends pissed off at my rather stupid boyfriend now usually I would never call Joel stupid but I mean honestly when you go up to my friends(and almost all of my friends are guys) and threaten to kick their asses did he honestly think they wouldn't tell me about it?! and besides that he knows that I'm the type of person to shall I say cut you loose? if you even so much as display a tiny hint of over protectiveness around me. so I'm afraid I really must call Joel quite stupid especially since his little 'rampage' demoted him from the title of boyfriend to that of ex boyfriend where so many poor souls now reside
Well, since Joel's out of the picture I suppose I better mention sir Eric in all of this hehe Eric is one of my dear friends that I've known for maybe 5 months but I feel like I've known him a lifetime Eric is currently Antonio's best friend and at the moment my new love interest hehe and I'm pretty sure he does like me the same
Okay, now I'm afraid I need to be ending this soon so before I finish this let me just say that my band Immortal Sacrifice is now back in action we needed to find a new guitarist when James went MIA so uh yeah... we're back
Alright well, now you all or rather everyone that reads this will know what I've been up to these past few months and let me reassure you all that my entries won't be so delayed from now on
[please note that not everything was properly punctuated or spelled correctly for that matter and I'm pretty sure I have about a zillion fragments and grammerical(sp?) errors please excuse these once you wirite essays for 7 classes you really begin to lose interest in grammar rules and eventually ignore them all together]