Mar 17, 2018 11:58

Hi friends!!

It is that time of year again*: I would like your vid recs! This year I'm running Vidukon's first ever singalong-a-vidshow \o/ I'm hoping it's going to be a fun bonding experience for everyone at the con. Singing along will not be mandatory, and will not be solo, but will be very much encouraged :-D

PLEASE REC ME THINGS! What vids can you never resist singing along to? What vids have people sung particularly enthusiastically along to at Wiscon, at Club Vivid, at your own vid parties? What vids do you see in your head as you belt out the song when it comes on the radio, or when you're doing karaoke, or when you're in the shower? Share your favourites with me! As always, self-recs are loved.

If the vids already have subtitled versions, so much the better, but don't worry if not - I really ought to know how to subtitle already, and this is my kick-up-the-arse to actually learn to do it.

So - recs please and thank you! (Also - come to Vidukon! We have singing now!)

*I'm pretty sure that the last few years I have made this post it has not been SNOWING in LONDON in MID-MARCH WTF /o\

fannish: vidukon, recs: vids

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