My away message:
oooh, twitchy stress induced all night marathon of coding listening to trippy techno music, chair dancing, and caffeinated bliss. yay!
what i wouldn't give for some anxiolytics. ::brain implodes, slightly::
That... about covers it. I'm looking forward to the weekend, hardcore. I'd say I need distractions to help me not think and calm down, except I think I've had enough of that. I get nostaligic for math and chem at moments like this. At least when doing problem sets, you zone out into a lovely zen of concentration, eliminate worry, and plow ahead like a monkey on crack. With, anything that requires significant pauses to think about the task at hand (eg writing, coding), my brain sometimes likes to freak out and I need to take breaks to remind myself to stay sane. :) I cope best by playing really fast music and mentally sticking my fingers into my ears, singing "lalalalalala!" until I forget I'm stressed and fall back into workaholic mode. ... Funny, some college habits die hard.
On a related note, math humor! hahahahah Saw Donnie Darko again today, for the second time. Last time I saw it, I was halfway through Hawking's A Brief History of Time-- frustration! This time, I've even managed to formulate a working hypothesis explaining the movie on several planes of reality. ^_^ Also bought a neat science/sociology book on the nature of scientific revolutions. It actually seems rather in depth, too. Danced around in B&N for a while to classics such as "Walk Like an Egyptian" while holding a book on quantum physics. How hot is that?! ;D (Note: dance is an ineffective way of magically absorbing group theory knowledge.)
Weekend was very good, details later... panda legions that killed a piece of me on the inside
dear lord, they'll kill us all...