how to make rpgs more geeky and full of monkeys

Dec 03, 2005 23:33

3jane: lolol
3jane: you want one
recompiler: 0-o
3jane: hehehehehe
recompiler: yes!
recompiler: no more need for sniper nest
3jane: ehehehehehehehe
recompiler: hey sniper helper monkey, go get him!
recompiler: helper sniper monkeys...
recompiler: esp if they are crosstrained in C#
3jane: sniper helper monkeys?
3jane: ooh, you'd need to reach level 5 helper monkey before you can dualclass
recompiler: ::rolls 2 D20s::
recompiler: 12 and 18
recompiler: do i level up?
3jane: hrm
recompiler: please?
3jane: your monkey knows "hello world" and how to hold a marker
3jane: or you can choose to put all your xp into one class
recompiler: ::monkey looks down the barrel::
recompiler: no monkey no!!!
3jane: lol
recompiler: no dont stick ur finger there!!
recompiler: ::covers face::
recompiler: i want a diff helper monkey
recompiler: how about that one over there?
recompiler: this one looks too much like a vb coder monkey
3jane: lmao
3jane: hm, do you want to dual class this one too?
3jane: i'll let you roll again
3jane: but with the condition that if it's worse, you have to take it
recompiler: yes
recompiler: i'll dualclass this 1
3jane: ok
recompiler: hrm, what are you plotting?
recompiler: is this a blind monkey?
3jane: i'm not
3jane: roll again
recompiler: or the smell omega monkey?
3jane: lmao
3jane: depends what you rooooolll
recompiler: ::rolls 2 D20s::
recompiler: hrm
recompiler: a 3 and 12
recompiler: mew :/
3jane: uhhhh
3jane: you get the omega -1 monkey
3jane: it knows...
recompiler: does my monkey smell like last weeks garbage?
3jane: how to bash a computer with a coconut
3jane: and how to eat paintballs
recompiler: ...
recompiler: i should have sprung for an outsourced guy in tajihistan...
recompiler: only .02 more per day
3jane: lol. would you like to try for a helper chimp instead
3jane: it'll cost you more gold, but it's worth it
recompiler: hrm... a monkey bashing with coconut and reeking might actually be useful...
recompiler: as long as it doesnt eat all our paint
3jane: this is going to eljay
3jane: well, you could drop this dualclass nonsense and it's not an issue
recompiler: nah
recompiler: ill just have it eat other teams paint!
recompiler: yes!
recompiler: bwahahaha
3jane: hrm, it would have to be lawful evil
recompiler: mer?
recompiler: how do i do that?
3jane: chaotic evil would do that, but it would eat paint w/o caring who's it is
3jane: you roll for their allignment silly
recompiler: ::rolls a D4::
recompiler: its stuck on the edge
recompiler: what do i do?
3jane: roll again
recompiler: can i sneeze for it?
3jane: um... ok
recompiler: :sneezes::

There are times I impress even myself.

monkeys, geeky

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