May 10, 2003 17:01
jenn moved out today :(
we are now left with one naked side of a room, about 50 ripped cds :P, and not nearly as much magnetic poetry any normal person needs to fully express their grief.
cold harsh reality check: in one week, it's over. poof, gone.
time is my nemesis. forever pushing pulling against it... only to have it slip through your grasping fingers. and here, the "best years of my life" are rushing by to become nothing more than memory. "and this one time, in chem lab..."
on that note, heather the shoe demon, has purchased another $300 worth and donated a dozen pairs. one of the bags (from the new ones) proudly proclaims "the future is out, now is in." very frightened of that statement. while i desperately want to in a way, i'm violently avoiding anaylzing that. it feels dirty.
so now... it's been barbarically sacrificed and hung next to "wow it's not chicken" and the communist propaganda postcards on my desk.
also, i'm brillant. not brilliant, brillant. it occurred to me that purchasing entire cases of diet coke is much more efficient than this one can deal. glorious provisions! i also have ritz crackers. i'm so set. (if only i can make myself start studying)
on the bright side, i owned the boggle game last night. yeah baby yeah ^_~ and i got a... new high score in tetris. ::hangs head:: so productive my life is!
and i hate my oocytes right now. minus 5 points for them.
anyway, last night was fun, in a silly sort of way.
on the way back from the indian place, we spot... crates. they're just sitting there, on the street. perfectly good crates. so heather and i, the ever resourceful people we are, decide we cannot pass w/o taking advantage of this. we acquire two crates of mr roberts asparagus, extra fancy, medium. jenn looks mortified. her parents, however, think this is a fabulous idea. soon, all 4 of us, much to jenn's horror, are foraging through the billions of boxes chinatown expells every friday night.
whee! well, this turned into quite the quest. we have returned to our primate hunter-gatherer roots, gleefully skipping down the street with our prizes. lemme tellya, we developed quite a knack for spotting prime specimens by the time we got back to the dorm. i think some tourists even took pictures of us.
what must have they been thinking? "oh look, natives! they're hunting! omg, how cute!!!" so then we transformed into this tribe of natives, hunting for boxes to sacrifice to the almighty god of asparagus, mr roberts. may our harvest be plentiful, growing ever larger spears. ^_^ jenn's parents rock; they completely fell in step with it. mine would've probably bonked me on the head.
needless to say, we were hysterical upon arrival. the guards thought we were mad. oh well. that's how i wanna go. RAVING AND SCREAMING! i mean, er...
and people wonder why i love the city so much. it has this strange sort of magic to it... ANYTHING can turn into an adventure. from finding portals, to the ancient order of hiberians, to sabby and i hypothesizing there are trolls at the bottom of narrow stairwells... only to find homeless men actually residing there, to the waterfalls on cortlandt street.
there's this storage ad: a guy is walking along a deserted road, w/ NOTHING around him, holding a canister to refill w/ gas or something b/c his car broke down. "BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU LEAVE THE CITY", it says. ::shudder:: i want sabby to pose next to it.
mr roberts now contains many a textbook. :) amen.